Thursday, September 08, 2011


So yeah, Bria did awesome at her dentist appointment. I talked with her that morning about how we were going to the dentist and how exciting it was. I told her that she'd sit in a nice comfy chair and lean back and then open her mouth real wide.
She did exactly that. The second she sat down she opened her mouth and the dental hygienist and I started laughing. It was really cute and I was so proud of her.
The dentist said her teeth look good and her 3rd, second year molar is coming in on top. We got fluoride drops since our darn city doesn't have it in the water. She got to pick out a toy when she was done and a sticker and she was happy as a clam. They said she was so cooperative and will do great with a cleaning in 6 months.

Other than that, we haven't been up to much. It's been really hot this week and I'm kind of enjoying that, but that's because I have a/c :) Seriously though, we've had such a mild summer that it's nice to get some hot days before Fall comes.
I'm looking forward to Saturday morning, I'm going to coffee and then garage sale-ing with my friend Dehlia and I can't wait for some girl time. I'm trying to get it all in before the baby arrives. We also have plans for pedicures next Tuesday, score! I love pedicures :)


Brandi said...

Oooh. Pedicures. Jealous! So glad Bria did well at her appointment!

Jenny said...

I. LOVE. THIS. How cute is she with her wide open mouth!!!!