Thursday, June 30, 2011

Terrible Two's=Panic Attack

Bria has recently hit a new phase in the wonderful terrible two's. It's hard to explain the phase, it's weird. She gets really hyper and you think, "Oh, look she's being silly and fun, how lovely." Then you realize she's going a little too crazy and she will not listen to you in any way, shape, or form. And you freak out because she must have lost her hearing, there's no other explanation for why she is blatantly ignoring you. Then she starts talking baby talk, sticking her tongue out as she talks and her lower jaw, and then you realize you have morphed back in time. Only this baby talk is not cute, it rates up there with nails on a chalkboard and you want to plug your ears.
The baby talk-well I'm assuming that will eventually go away. And although it's super annoying and not cute, I can somewhat deal with it. What I can't deal with is her completely ignoring me/us, especially when we discipline. I feel like I've lost my authoritative role with her and I don't know when or how that happened. But my stern voice is barely affecting her and I'm at a loss. Time outs seem to work short-term, but she still seems to ignore punishment and I just want to scream sometimes.

Yesterday she smacked Aunt Heather right in the face and I nearly lost it. I don't think Bria did it to be mean, I think she was playing around in one of her uncontrollable silly moods and just went with it, but I was livid. Even after I disciplined her and she apologized, she went back to being crazy silly and although that should be a good thing, I don't feel like she's phased by my discipline anymore.
I spent the car ride home in utter panic, how can I deal with Bria and a baby? How am I going to control Bria's crazyness and deal with a newborn on little to no sleep? How in the world do people get through this?
Seriously, it was a rough night, just ask Brian. I'm doing better today but I'm still nervous and wondering how it's all going to happen. I know somehow I'll get through it, everyone does, but that doesn't help me freak out any less.

What added to my panic attack was Brian's overnight trips. He takes a few for work here and there and he has 2 hiking trips planned this summer, one is a 4 day hike. I'm just freaking out because I don't like when he's gone overnight, it's hard to do it alone and my heart goes out to single moms, this job is tough. Especially when they are young and need constant attention.
So yeah, I'm in a little funk of panic. Anxiety/panic attacks (what's the difference? I'm not sure if I'm using the right term or not) come and go in my pregnancies, sometimes they are over trivial things. Like the time I was pregnant with Bria and started freaking out that Brian's commute was too much driving for the Bug. Random, but true. Anyway, this attack is for realz and I'm not sure how to cope with it, I guess I don't have a choice :)

I don't want to be all doom and gloom so I will say we have fun times too. I felt all crafty when I mixed corn starch and water together to make Bria some putty.
She had a blast squishing it and the mess was minimal and easy to clean. A win-win really :)

Overall I am so excited to add to our little family, I can't wait for Bria to have a little sister and I look forward to all our family trips together. I'm just worried about the beginning of it all where we are getting to know each other and stuff. Praying it goes smoothly, and if not, praying for a really good pill prescribed from my doctor.


Anonymous said...

Wow, terrible twos fo sho. Something to look forward to I guess. Just remember this is why they call it the terrible twos right? :)


Kelly said...

We all have those days, I promise, not that it makes your anxiety any better. Some days I feel like I've lost complete control, and it makes me so upset. Then I have to remember that no matter how much we try to control their behavior, they are their own little entities, and we cannot control it all. They do what they want, just like we do. :) Hang in there momma! You're doing a great job and will continue to when #2 gets here.

Danielle said...

We are going through the same stuff. Dillon wont' even sit for a time out. I have found that with the daycare, I can't pay nearly as much attention to him and that is actually a REALLY good thing! I bet having a sibling will be the best thing for this behavior. The focus will be taken off of Bria and sometimes that can be a good thing for these crazy toddlers!

Brandi said...

This too will pass. Austin was AWFUL from 18 months until... well. Maybe he's still a bit awful. Kidding. It's less frequent, but nerve grinding nonetheless. You'll be fine. Just breathe and remember this is such a short time of their lives. It just feels like forever right now ;o)

Kris and MaLanie said...

Lindsey, you are seriously one of the best mothers in the world! You will handle Bria and the new baby like a champ. And if you are ever overwhelmed or stressed, I would love to take one of them to give you a break. Maybe Bristol and I could spend the night during Brian's overnight trips too.