Sunday, June 26, 2011

Shasta Part 1

We spent a glorious week in Lake Shasta, California. It was absolutely heavenly and we were soooo sad to leave. I really didn't think I'd feel that way about camping with a toddler, but Bria was an absolute trooper and in the best mood the whole time. It helped that we had the tent trailer and all slept pretty well.
We headed down last Friday to my Dad's house for a father's day BBQ and stayed the night. It broke up our trip a little which was nice. Saturday morning we left at 9 am with Lance and Kayla in the truck behind us. We made a few stops, one was a pretty long one so we didn't pull into the campsite until about 3:30 pm.

Bria was awesome in the car. Such a huge change from last year. She didn't cry, she didn't complain, and she told us when she had to go potty. Which inevitably was right after we passed a rest area. She held it though, my good little girl.

We weren't sure if we were going to go out on the boat or not but I think we were itching to get on the water so my Mom and Randy were nice enough to take us out. First they watched Bria so we could set up camp, then we suited up.
It looks cold and cloudy, but it was just cloudy. It was the only day though, the rest of the time it was blue sky and SUN!

Mom, Sammy (dog), Lance, and Kayla enjoying the boat ride.

Captain Randy at the wheel

We had a wonderful time getting out on the lake and couldn't wait for the next day when we would swim and play and have a grand old time.
The first night was the only night I slept horribly. I'm not sure why, probably because I didn't use ear plugs and I was stressed about Bria-which was silly because she slept AWESOME the whole time we were there. She would take 1/2 hour naps on the way in from the lake, so they were pretty late, around 5 pm. She'd go to bed late, around 9:30 or 10 pm (unheard of for Bria) and then sleep until 8 or 9 am. FABULOUS.
We ended up going in on a party barge type boat with 3 other families for the week. It was nothing fancy, but it did have a BBQ and a bathroom. It worked out so well because we would drive it out since the other families had ski boats, and then we'd anchor and just lounge around. It felt wonderful.

To say that Bria loved the water is an understatement. She wanted to be in the water at all times and by the second day she didn't want us to hold onto her. This girl is a fish.
This is Bria's driving face apparently. I'm so glad I captured this picture, attitude at it's finest!

My Mom and Randy watched Bria for us while we went out with our friends Dave and Kim on their boat. We came back to Bria napping, Yaya rocks!!

Bria loved Kim and Dave's little girl, Caitlin. She is 7 and was so sweet with Bria. I think she reminded Bria of her cousins and Aunts :)

Looking fabulous of course.

Family shot

Kayla and Lance were a huge help with Bria, Bria loved all the attention.

Brian and Lance tying up the boat

After only 2 days of being there I was already getting sad that our trip was going too fast. It just felt so wonderful to be out in the sun, swimming, relaxing, and just enjoying ourselves.
We had a pretty good little routine going early on:
Wake up
Eat breakfast
Get suits on
Walk down to the docks and drive the boat out to our decided cove in the lake
Anchor up
Enjoy the sunshine

Here's a little clip of Bria having fun in the water:

More to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a blast!! :) What a great swimmer Bria is already!! Hopefully her cousin Gabriel takes after her; he's already loving the water!!
