Monday, June 13, 2011

From goofy to conniption fit

We had some visitors this weekend and it was so much fun. Our friends Erin, Jimmy, and their little boy Gabe (who turns 2 in August) stayed with us Saturday and we all went to downtown Portland for the Floral parade. Bria has never been to a parade and we kind of assumed she wouldn't be too thrilled about it but she LOVED it. In fact, after an hour or so we decided to walk down to the river front where the Saturday market was going on and wanted to go back to the parade to, "See more cheerleading!" We're raising her right ;)

"Um Gabe, you're cramping my style."

Our little monkeys

Erin is 15 weeks pregnant, just 10 weeks behind me, so fun!

It was cloudy in the morning but then the sun came out and it was glorious. Still wasn't too hot, just a perfect temperature.
We walked a lot, fortunately we brought the umbrella stroller and Bria was happy to be in it which is a far cry from a few months ago, I'm glad she's come around.

Taking in all the crazy parade people.

Love that I caught Gabe in mid-air!

Running all over the place

Looking at all the boats (pregnant fat face is here, grrr)

We stayed downtown for almost 4 hours and Bria did so well, I was ecstatic. She was content and happy and amused by everything. Around nap time she started getting incredibly silly and on our train ride home (we took the Max to avoid traffic and parking, best idea ever) she got even crazier. We know she's tired when she gets so so goofy and doesn't listen to a word we are saying.

And then every few minutes she zones out.

She wanted to cuddle on Daddy's lap like a baby. We were hoping she'd take a little snoozer but she continued to be incredibly goofy right up until bedtime.

Here's a little video of her enjoying the parade, she loved the music.

We continued to wear the kids out when we got home, since it was too late for naps we knew we had to keep them busy other wise they would reach a level of cranky that no one wanted to deal with. So we walked to the park then came back and let them splash in the baby swimming pool. Bria was still in such a great mood, even when it started to get cold outside and she was sopping wet in her swim suit, she just kept swimming.
And then of course at bedtime she had a conniption fit. Like SCREAMING so loud, I don't think she has ever screamed so much in her entire life. I couldn't believe my eyes or ears, I thought my daughter was possessed. Fortunately she fell asleep quickly and slept for over 12 hours, waking up her normal happy self, phew.

Now it's time to start the week. Bria spoiled me last week by waking up later than 7:30 am every morning, it was fabulous. I got up by 7 am every morning (some days earlier) and drank my decaf coffee, surfed the internet, got ready for the day, and even cleaned some mornings. Obviously I didn't do all that every morning, but some of it. She even slept in until 8:45 am on Saturday! But this morning at 6:30 am Bria decided she had slept long enough and spoiled me long enough :( I'm hoping it's a one time thing...I'm not in denial or anything.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great weekend!! :) Bria looking super cute as always and I sooo remember the prego face... I had to get my driver's license and spouse ID when I had it so it is immortalized. :(


Jenny said...

I LUV the picture of your and Erin with the CUTE!!