Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just eat some freakin' fruit already

We had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend, filled with family and swimming and games. More on that later (when I get the pictures from Heather :).

For now I will just leave you with some pictures of Bria. I've started doing her hair in these two little buns and it's super easy, super convenient, and super cute.

So even on days like today, where I feel utterly defeated with her lack of eating fruits and put her down for a nap early because she wouldn't even try some pairs, I can look at these pictures and know she's still cute.
Even if she's like her Daddy and refuses to eat fruit or anything foreign that doesn't look like dessert.
Because she's super sweet and innocent so I can't stay mad long.


Shannon said...

Such a big girl, she is so cute! Sorry you are having a fruit struggle with Bria. I bet one day she will just start eating it and won't look back, all you can do is try :) Hope you are doing good!

Grandpa Armstrong said...

I LOVE that most beautiful angel!
G'Pa A

Anonymous said...

Bria is so cute with her two buns!! I hope her cousin Gabriel will eat fruit. :)