Thursday, May 26, 2011

27 months old

What I was going to write about was how frustrating and depressing this weather is, it's in the 60's and raining. Cannot believe it's almost June, this seriously sucks. I need some sun like now. But talking about weather doesn't make a good blog post so I'll refrain from that.

Instead I am going to update on our little Bria since one of the main purposes of this blog is a journal. I love looking back at the blog and seeing how much she has grown, it's shocking.

So here's a 27 month update on our little one:
  • Has been potty trained for 5 months, it's been 5 months since I changed a diaper! She wears a pull-up at night but we are starting to see that half the time she wakes up dry, yay!
  • She talks in complete sentences and says the funniest things on Earth, for real.
  • She does not like fruit. At all. Every once and awhile she'll get adventurous and try my banana, but then inevitably gags and dry heaves until every last banana chunk is out of her mouth. So I make her smoothies and that's how she gets her fruit.
  • Her favorite treat is raisins. The girl loves her raisins, I limit her so that she doesn't get the runs.
  • Her typical day in food looks like this: breakfast-whole grain blueberry waffle with peanut butter and a cup of milk, snack-raisins or dried fruit or crackers and water, lunch-toasted pb&j and a cup of milk, dinner-scrambled eggs or oatmeal or mac 'n cheese and cup of milk. Sometimes she has a snack after her nap which is Corn Chex and water usually.
  • Goes to bed about 7:30/8 pm and wakes around 7/7:30 am, takes a nap from about 1-3 pm.
  • Is so incredibly loving, especially towards Mom and Dad (we are so lucky), she gives hugs and kisses all day and says lots of, "I love you sooo much, Daddy/Mommy!" My favorite is when she says variations like, "I love you to the moon!" or "I love you everyday of the year!" It makes me smile.
  • Loves animals. We saw a cat on our walk the other day and she wanted the cat to come with us, which it did for awhile, but then stopped and went home. She was devastated.
  • Wears size 6 shoes, and 2T clothing. Some 3T shirts.
  • She weighs 29 pounds.
  • Has memorized a lot of her books and also lines from her favorite movies: TinkerBell and Toy Story. (If you've seen Toy Story 3 this is a line from it that she LOVES to say when she picks up the phone: "Hello? Are you here? Molly! Stay out of my room!" It's really embarrassing in public because she yells Molly.)
  • Is getting really good with her colors, she knows them pretty well but when we ask her what color something is she kind of freezes. But the other day we were coloring and Brian would ask her for a specific color of crayon and she got all of them right.
  • Counts to 16
  • Knows the Star Spangled Banner, not really, hehe. But that would be cool, she can point out the American Flag though :)
  • Has figured out how to work the Netflix, at least enough to get our attention.
  • Is very dramatic, her expressions are over the top for sure. Her favorite thing to say when she doesn't get her way is, "Mommy, I'm so sad." And it's said with her lower lip quivering and her eyes filling up with tears. It does melt my heart the first 20 times of the day she says it, but then it gets kind of old.
  • Is a hot head, thanks to me. She flies off the handle easily, her and I are both working on that one, it's hard.
That got long, but I'm a mom and could go on and on about her.

Bottom line, she is the reason her Dad and I are so happy. She gives us purpose, makes us smile, and makes our heart grow daily. She is the love of our lives.
We love her silly faces...
...and even her fake sad faces.

We're pretty proud of what we made.

And here is a video of my sweet punky monkey singing the rain rain go away song. She did this all on her own one day when I told her we couldn't go outside because it was raining.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

This post made me smile! We do the smoothie thing with Dillon too. I jam just about every fruit and veggie into those things and pray he drinks them. Even with my knew "tough guy" attitude, he still is SO picky. Getting him to eat a banana is a celebration.

I love the "Mommy, I'm sad" AHHH so cute.