Thursday, March 10, 2011

Things we be doin'

This week we had a nice sunny day and it was in the mid 50's, wahoo! Almost time to break out the shorts :) I took Bria to the park and she of course had a blast, we played there for an hour before she was ready to go home and have dinner.

Bria waking up Daddy from his nap...with MJ on his head.

Daylight savings is this weekend and I'm looking forward to it staying lighter in the evenings, it makes it feel like summer is close. Which, for us Oregonians, it's still a good 3 1/2 months away.

We have a dinner rehearsal and wedding to go to for our friends this weekend. Brian is actually performing the ceremony so he has a big role. I'm always excited to see him officiate.
Heather is watching Bria for us tomorrow so we can go to the rehearsal and then I think we are going to brave taking her to the wedding on Saturday. Although I'm thinking now I should've tried to get a babysitter because the wedding is an hour and forty minutes away and she'll have to skip her nap.
Long car ride + destination that is not fun for a toddler + no nap=DISASTER

Next week we are going to a Blazer game with Lance, Kayla, Kyle and Jenny. I am really excited. Brian and I haven't been to a game since we were on the Stunt team so I think it'll be a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to it. And hopefully the Blazers win :)


Kris and MaLanie said...

You can leave Bria with us if you want. I don't know what time exactly I'll be back from the beach but it should be late morning/early afternoon. And of course Kris will be here with Bristol. Just an option.

Elisa B said...

I want to know what kind of toy laptop is in the first pic. My DS would love a non-pink one!

BTW, your belly pics make me jealous. ;) I am 35 wks pregnant with #2 and you look soooooo good..which is what I hope to get back to!