Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Playin' in the mud

I think it was Monday that we got a break in the rain so I put Bria's rain boots on and we trudged outside. It was wet and muddy but it felt great to go out for a walk and Bria agreed. She found endless amounts of leaves, pine cones, and mud. It was inevitable that she would eventually fall in the mud and sure enough she did. Fortunately, she didn't get hurt, she just got up and looked at her hand and said, "Dirty. Mommy doesn't like messes."
I laughed and we walked home to clean her up.

Proud of her dirty face
I should've put her in a different coat

While I cleaned up all Bria's clothes, she played with the dishes in the kitchen sink and cleaned herself up. It was a fun, Oregon, afternoon.

Monday we also went to her 2nd gymnastics class and it went really well. Bria listened a lot better this time and even though she still doesn't like somersaults, she was a trooper at all the other stuff. She's definitely a momma's girl in the class so I'm trying to help her socialize a little more. She's a ham around family!

And last but not least, here are some videos of my two favorite people. Bria loves to do cheerleading with Daddy. The first video is a blooper, and no worries, she was not hurt :)


Lindsay said...

Too cute!

Brandi said...

Way to keep it cool in the face of muddy hands!