Tuesday, July 06, 2010

A video

Before puke fest hit, I got a little video of Bria saying some of the animal noises she knows. I can never catch her on camera in one of her talking moods, but this is the closest I've come. The monkey is my favorite, makes me laugh every time. And I'm sad she didn't do the "meow" like she normally does, it seriously sounds like a dying cat usually.

Still recovering here, Bria woke up puking last night again. She didn't have any milk yesterday and not a lot to eat so I'm at a loss as to why she is still throwing up. I'm still nauseous so I don't blame her lack of appetite. The one nice thing about me being sick at the same time as her is that I know how she's feeling.
I cleaned a lot today in hopes that will help get rid of this darn virus once and for all, I want to enjoy this summer sunshine we are finally having!


Danielle said...

oh...my....gosh. This made my day. My favorite is the monkey!!! SO CUTE!

♥ Lovfer♥ said...

Bria is so freakin' awesome! I lovfed the cow sounds! LOL