Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Hotness

This weekend it was in the high 90's and that is hot for a/c less people like us. We made sure to spend lots of time outside in the water fountains or our little pool to cool off. Bria gets the window a/c unit in her room so she sleeps pretty good and with our window open and fan in front of it we haven't been too hot so we aren't melting which is nice.

Brian's start date is set for August 16th so we are looking forward to that date :) He is giving his official notice to UPS tomorrow so hopefully that goes well. His boss knows and most of his co-workers do as well, but he just haven't given his official notice.
So we are selling our house and getting it on the market this week which is taking a lot of work. We are hopeful we can sell it fast, the sooner we sell it the sooner we can get an apartment in Portland.

Brian was gone last week for work and it was a rough week alone. My patience just wasn't were it needed to be and I didn't do a good job of staying busy so when Brian got home on Friday I was soooo ready for a break. Saturday he took Bria to the fountains while I stayed home and cleaned and packed our house to get it ready for showing. Although it would've been fun to see her run through the fountains, it felt wonderful to get so much stuff done and not have to worry about entertaining a toddler.

I use to think we were good about not having clutter around the house but this whole packing thing has proven what a hot mess our house is and how much flippin' stuff we have! Where did we get it all? It feels wonderful to de-clutter and I wish I would have done it a long time ago. But it also has taken a lot of work so I can see why I procrastinated.

Bria is talking more everyday and her latest word is, "Awesome!" with tons of enthusiasm, makes us laugh every time. She's also starting to string words together and getting a lot better at it. Car rides are still tiring because she wants attention the whole time I'm driving, if I'm not looking at her she says, "Mom, MOM, MOM!!!!" until I finally turn around. It's already begun!

She definitely has Brian's skin. We load her up with sunscreen every time she is outside and she still gets a golden brown tan all over. Couple that with her blond hair and blue eyes and you'd think she was Swedish ;) I am grateful she doesn't burn easy because I know that's something I would stress about all summer.
Bria is still a picky eater and I feel like it's getting worse. I really don't know what to feed this child and I'm starting to lose patience at meal time and snack time. What am I suppose to feed this child 5 times a day?! She doesn't even like 5 different foods! I'm grateful she loves her milk, I know she's getting her calcium. I'm starting to understand why parents give up and give them whatever they want, it's better than her starving to death. By looking at her you wouldn't think she was a picky eater so I have to focus on her rolls and then I feel better, plus it's just fun to kiss her chunkiness.
Okay, I better go clean or pack or something since both my babies are sleeping.

Here's a quick video of when we went the lake, girl loves her some water!

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