Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Boating fun

We LOVE going to the lake in the summer, it's our chance to relax, have fun, and be in the sun. Fortunately for us my Mom and Randy have a boat :)
Last weekend we continued our celebration by heading to the lake. It was a gorgeous day for boating, I even got out and knee boarded. The water was super choppy so it was a ton of work to just hold on, but oh so fun! I was sooo sore the next day and it felt good because let's just say it's been awhile since I've worked out hard enough to be sore. Or worked out at all.

Not so sure about the bulky life jacket, we tried to assure her it was for safety precautions and this is the look she gave me...guess she didn't understand/care.

Lathering on the sunscreen for the umpteenth time

Bria was in heaven and had a blast jumping in the water to Daddy and then swimming back to grandma. She wore us all out and kept us laughing.

She would get so excited on the swim back! Her mouth would open and her tongue would come out and she'd laugh and snort.

Swimming to mommy

Once she fell asleep we all kicked back and chatted and soaked up some sun. It was a wonderful day and I can't wait until we can get back on the lake.

Passed out after all the swimming

A closer shot of the cuteness

Enjoying some crackers after a good nap

I don't know how she didn't fall asleep on the drive home since it's a good hour and a half, but she didn't. It was fine though because we wanted to bath her when we got home anyway since she had pounds of sunscreen on and who knows what else from that lake. I was expecting her to sleep in since she had a long day of playing, but alas, she did not. And she even took a short nap that day, short sleeping usually means more teeth so I think those molars are giving her some pain. It sucks they are all coming in at the same time, but hopefully that means she gets a long break of no teething ;)


Kris and MaLanie said...

Looks like so much fun! I can't wait until we go to my parent's lakehouse and Bristol can play in the water. Bria's swimsuit is adorable!!

Danielle said...

that picture of her sleeping in the life jacket is SO cute!!!! Dillon hates his life jacket. :-(