Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our Big News!!!!

Brian started looking for a new job last fall since he knew he would be completing his Masters soon. It's a tough economy so he got started early, smart guy. In the winter he interviewed with Amazon and was flown out to Reno, then Kentucky. His job would have been in Lexington, Kentucky and let's just say our families were none to thrilled. Well, fortunately for them (and us as we would later learn) it did not pan out and the job searched continued.

In June Brian got the most exciting call yet, Intel! This is his dream company to work for and we were both dancing for joy. It was all very serendipitous and here is why: Brian's sister Heather works at Intel, Heather is friends with Corey, and Corey knows the hiring manager's manager. Follow? So she recommended Brian and Brian got the call. He got the call while we were in Arizona for my grandpa's funeral and when he told the family, my cousin Brad said that it was his old position and his old boss. Oh my word. The stars are aligned. So Brad recommended Brian for the position as well.
Brian did a phone interview and then a week later flew to Phoenix for a face to face interview. The position itself would either be in Phoenix or Portland and honestly, we didn't know which one we wanted more. Half of us wanted to stay in Oregon close to family, and the other half was excited about a new climate and being close to my extended family. Really, it was a win-win.
It's been a very long process and we've been on pins and needles waiting to hear from them and we finally got word last week, on our anniversary. He got the job offer and they want him in Portland! We are Portland bound! We are thrilled to pieces and so happy to be staying near family. I am beyond proud of Brian. He has accomplished all of his goals and more: completing his undergrad, completing his MBA (while working full time and being a daddy and awesome husband), and getting an awesome job at an amazing company. We are just thrilled and so so so happy.
Things are still getting worked out so we aren't positive of the start date, we're hoping the middle of August but we'll see. Then we have tons of stuff to figure out with the house and all that, unfortunately we bought at the wrong time and are selling at the wrong time so we're going to take a pretty big hit. It's not fun to think about, in fact, I'm going to stop thinking about or else I may vomit.
Anyway, all in all it's a really good thing and it feels like this is where we were meant to be. When I think about how we almost moved to Lexington, Kentucky I just have to thank God for unanswered prayers. Or in the case of our families, answered prayers since they were all praying against that move.

We are spreading out our celebrations because that makes the excitement last even longer :) So Friday we went out with the Tegner's and Kayla. And what better transportation than to haul everyone in good old trusty Penny:

"Peace and love."
Jenny, me, and Kayla at our best attempt at being hippyish


We're moving to Portland, oh my gosh!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I am so excited :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Brian! That is GREAT! I love all your pictures!

Jeannie @ Living Loving Crafting said...

Congrats Brian! I'm glad you'll get to stay near family! Lexington is about an hour from where we live so it's not too bad, but I'd pick Portland over Lex any day :)

Kristin said...

That is SO exciting! Congrats!:)

Danielle said...

Congrats!! That's incredible news! How exciting!!!

Lindsay said...

So exciting!! BIG congrats to Brian.

Leslie Collins said...

What great news! Congrats to you and Brian and Miss Bria. :)

E said...

Oh wow! Yay! Congrats!!

Kris and MaLanie said...

Best news ever!! I couldn't be more excited for you guys! Way to go Brian!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is very exciting.

Emilie said...

soo exciting!!! congrats to Brian!!

Brandi said...

OMG I JUST READ THIS! I am so excited for y'all! Keep us posted!