Sunday, July 25, 2010

BIG hugs

I can't tell you how wonderful our summer weather has been, it took awhile to get here but it was well worth it.
Bria and I are outside everyday either going for a walk, playing in the backyard, or going to the park. I'm so glad our neighborhood has a park because when we are bored and can't think of anything to do (and Target is off limits because I shouldn't spend any more money) we just walk down to the park and play. Usually there are other kids and moms there so we get to socialize.
I'm learning that Bria is not shy with other kids, in fact she loves to walk up to older kids and say, "Hi," in her sweet little voice. And she loves giving hugs, she squeezes so hard they usually go tumbling down and then I'm so embarrassed.

"Ahh, I'm so excited to give you a hug!"

No one fell during this hug :)

Fortunately it's a slow motion fall so no one is hurt. Plus I can't be too mad because she's being a lover and I'd rather her do that than hit. She does tend to be mean to babies younger than her and that is really frustrating. I discipline her every time she takes a toy away or hits, but it doesn't feel like we are getting anywhere, I guess it'll take awhile.

Bria continues to have a love affair with my phone. Only now she has full on conversations and it cracks me up, especially how she fluctuates her voice. Most of the time her conversation starts out with, "Hi Daddy."

And she's even learning to text ;)

I caught the infamous Briiiiiiaaa face on camera, wahoo! Usually she is straight faced when she does it but I still caught it.
I look at her like this with my head down and say Bria in a way that sounds like she's in trouble and she totally does it back. I crack up every time.

"Duh, Mom."

"See this, I'm texting my Daddy to tell him to bring some milk home, ASAP."

Eating her favorite food: crackers

"What? Like crackers aren't healthy for you?"

"I could eat crackers for every meal!"

Check out that hair, it's getting so long!

She loves to hand me a book and say, "Lap!" then she turns around backs up and sits on my lap. Who wouldn't want that adorable bum backing into them and then plopping down to read a book?

One of her phone conversations:


Carly said...

I love that girl- her faces are too much and how cute that she hugs everyone! When did you get to the point you could put crackers in a cup without her dumping them?

Unknown said...

So cute!! :) Love the phone call to Daddy.

Lindsay said...

Look at that long blong hair! So cute!