Thursday, May 27, 2010

We don't need more rain, thanks anyway.

We had a few days this month that were gorgeous (I might have mentioned them in the blog, or rather devoted a whole post to how much I love the sun) and Bria even got to wear short sleeve pj's to bed, wahoo!
Adorable daisy pj's that also come with yellow shorts.

But apparently mother nature was being incredibly cruel and just giving us a tiny taste as to what it could be like. It has been absolutely disgusting, depressing, gray, and wet the past week and a half. And the 10 day forecast is RAIN. I am sick to my stomach, I NEED the sun to come out, we deserve some spring! I'm not asking for a repeat of last summer (hello disgusting 108 temperatures), I just want some sun and temperatures above the 60's. It's May, I don't think that's a lot to ask. Sigh.
Okay, I'm done, thanks for letting me complain.

Bria is still having a blast in the pool, she loves the water and loves playing on the stairs after lessons are over.

Her and Gabe splash around and crawl/walk all over the steps. Even when Bria stumbles and her head goes under water unexpectedly she remembers to blow out which is great. No worries, I'm right there with my hand on her but I like to let her learn not to get toooo comfortable in the water, she needs to be safe.

Ready to jump into the water.

2 weeks until Shasta so we'll test her water skills by throwing her in a big lake. Not really, but we have some fun water stuff that I think she'll enjoy.

Bria is back to being really clingy and not wanting to be further than an inch from me all day long. It can be really frustrating and yesterday I ended up putting her in her crib so I could pack up the diaper bag for swim class. She seriously cries so hard she gags. I'm hoping this passes quickly!
Bria did get her 6th tooth last week :) Her runny nose has finally stopped, her and I are both thrilled about that. No more booger sucker, yessss.

And one last update: BRIAN HAS LESS THAN 2 WEEKS UNTIL HE IS DONE WITH HIS MBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excited does not begin to describe my emotions, over the top happy!


Danielle said...

We are going through one of those clingy, runny nose fazes too. Dillon is getting like 10 million teeth at once. Congrats to Brian!

Carly said...

early congrats to Brian and i LOOOVE the pool pics- she looks like she's having a blast