Sunday, May 16, 2010

Playing outside

Thank you Mother Nature for the beautiful sunshine we've been getting! It has been gorgeous and in the 70's the last few days which is just absolutely perfect, I wish it was like this all year round. We can spend time outside without getting too hot, our house doesn't reach sauna temperatures, and we don't go stir crazy inside our house. It's just splendid. I am incredibly grateful for this weather, especially since next week calls for rain every single day and temperatures aren't suppose to get higher than the low 60's. Ick. So by golly I'm going to enjoy the sun while it lasts, which means spending every second outside.
Friday afternoon I filled some tupperware with water, grabbed a few toys and a rock and let Bria have fun outside. It was wonderful and kept both her and I entertained for quite awhile.

Inspecting her rock quite closely.

She thought it was fun to dump the water out all over herself and splash around. Good thing the hose was right there, I'd fill them right back up.

Getting dirt off her hand.

While Bria played, Daddy changed the oil on good old Penny. Apparently that is very exciting to kids because we had a bunch of neighbor kids come over and ask Brian all sorts of questions.
It was like oil changing 101 and I HAD to get a picture, it was hilarious. Brian was so patient and kind as the kids asked questions and wanted to know everything he was doing. Bria was very proud of her Daddy being the cool one on the street ;)

Bria has been having a blast playing outside, between her new ride (a red wagon), the park, and fun in the grass, we don't spend too much time inside.
However, the poor girl has had a runny nose for over 2 weeks and it's just now turning into a horrible cough. She coughs so hard she gags and throws up, it is seriously awful to watch and I feel so bad. I attempt to booger suck her but the girl gets so mad and screams until she throws up, so yeah, that's not good. I'm hoping this cough means the end of this cold/teething thing. Next week she should be going in for her 15 month appointment (I completely forgot to schedule it last week so I hope they can get her in) so I'll have the pediatrician check her to make sure it's nothing serious. Maybe she could give us something for the congestion.
So hopefully her little sickness goes away soon, it seems like she's been stuffed up forever and I just want her to get some relief. She's definitely clingier than usual and doesn't want me to be far away from her, it's sweet but I'd also like to get some stuff done :) If I get impatient with her or I'm not doing what she wants me to do she looks at me so sweetly, gives a sideways smile and says, "Hi," in the sweetest voice. She knows that softens my heart, it's precious.


Danielle said...

That picture of all the kids gathered around Brian is hilarious!!!! I hope Bria feels better soon. :-(

Anonymous said...

Her little outfit and bows are SOOO cute. I love that pic of all the kiddos with your husband. :)

Shannon said...

Glad you guys are able to get outside and enjoy some nice weather. Bria is beautiful as usual, hope she feels better soon!

Carly said...

lol- i can just imagine the 'hi' and how it is used against you :) She is so funny looking at her rock- love her

flojat said...

Those pigtails are the cutest things ever!