Thursday, May 20, 2010

15 months

I stopped doing monthly updates once she reached 1, but I still want to do them every so often so I don't forget all her little milestones.
First, the stats:

Weight: 22 lbs 15 oz (55th percentile)
Length: 30.5 inches (50th percentile)
Head: 18.25 inches (60th percentile)
  • Size 3 diapers but I'm going to move to size 4 once we are done with the ones we have. The size 3 say they go to 28 pounds but they just seem a little snug.
  • 12-18 month clothes. Her sleepers are still 12 months but the 18 months fit her too, they are just a little long.
  • Walking!
  • Talking! Details below
  • Kicks balls (future soccer player?!)
  • LOVES the water
  • Knows where the following body parts are: eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, ears, head, hair (not a body part but you get the idea), fingers, hands, legs, feet, toes, and belly.
  • Knows what the following animals say: dog (does the tongue hanging out sound, cuz that's what MJ does, lol), snake, cat, cow, and bee.
  • Helps sing the ABC's, Eeensty Weensty Spider, If You're Happy & You Know It, and Here's a Ball for Baby.
  • Helps count her toes or fingers (she loves to point to them and pretend she's counting)
  • Spoon feeds herself, although it's messy :)
  • Says "I love you" heart.melting.
Mental note: Do not attempt to do pictures by yourself with a toddler, it's impossible.

But I did manage this cute one!

This little girl is shocking me with how many words she says and all the songs she sings along to. She must have got her brains from her smart Daddy.
We like to make her say tons of words and it's cute to hear how she says them. Elmo is a popular favorite by us and our family, that is the most requested word :)
She has gotten really good at saying, "All done," in the last few days. In fact, she made me laugh yesterday because I was trying to get her snot out with the booger sucker thing and she started saying, "All done, all dooone!!"
Speaking of runny noses, she got her 6th tooth! I'm not sure when it came in but I noticed it yesterday, it's the other front one, so she has the 4 on top and 2 on bottom.

We're working on teaching her patience, she gets frustrated if something doesn't work the first 3 times (putting her toy shapes in the right hole) so I try and encourage her to keep trying and then get really excited when she gets it.
I think I forgot to mention on her 12 month update that she can drink through a straw! We were at the mall and Brian had a cup of water with a lid and straw. He went to give her a drink and I almost told him not to even bother because it would be awhile before she could drink through a straw, but the girl surprised both of us and sucked the water out like it was her job. She now LOVES drinking out of straws and thinks it's the coolest thing.
She does not like fruit or vegetables. I can kind of understand the vegetables, but fruit?! Every once and awhile she'll eat a banana or orange, but for the most part she doesn't want anything to do with them. So I've resorted back to baby food so that she at least gets some of the nutrients, plus I started making her smoothies with the magic bullet we have and she gobbles them up, score!

She is a momma's girl through and through, I can't count the number of times she cuddles me during the day and I am trying to soak it all up. She prefers me over anybody, but when she gets to spend one on one time with Daddy she starts to prefer him. When he's done with school I think there may be a shift in preference and I know Brian would love if she wanted him over me! If we are with family or friends she takes awhile to warm up, but eventually she hams it up and doesn't need to hang on me.
This is just my absolute favorite age, we have so much fun during the day and I can't hug and kiss her enough. She is just my favorite little baby in the whole wide world I love her hilarious personality, she cracks me up. She loves making funny faces and tries so hard to think of ways to get us laughing. I love her.

1 comment:

Kris and MaLanie said...

I'm glad she loves smoothies!! Yay! Bria is beyond adorable and cute. She is such a good talker! I loved watching her sing songs with you. But my favorite of course was "the face". :)
A couple of months ago Kris wanted to give Bristol some smoothie through a straw but I said not to bother because I didn't think she could do it. Sure enough she figured it out first try and was very surprised to end up with a mouthful of smoothie. Our babies are smarter than we think!