Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Dining out and Ballerina's

We went out to dinner the other night with Grammy (Brian's mom), Heather, and Amy. Bria was beyond good, she was amazing and loved all the attention on her. She didn't do much eating, but she did drink tons of milk and water so I guess she was on a liquid diet that night, getting ready for Shasta ;)

Milk is soooo good

"Do I have to take a picture with these 2 clowns?"

"I love my placemat!"

"Hey people over there, do you think I'm funny?"

"How 'bout over here, do you love me?"

"Yeah, that's what I thought."


Happy girl.

We really need to take advantage of this age because right now it's not too bad going out to eat with her...most of the time.

I was getting ready to go out on Saturday (we went to a Cinco de Mayo party) and Brian asked me to come downstairs to see something. I asked him if it was absolutely necessary because I was right in the middle of doing my hair. He insisted I come down and boy am I glad he made me:

Wait, is that a baby in that cooler/back pack?
Why yes it is :)

See, Daddy is much more fun than Mommy.

We had swim lessons today and again, Bria did so well. She LOVES the water and I think she'll be our little fishy. After our class was done we played on the stairs and she would voluntarily stick her face in the water to blow bubbles, she did it over and over again which was making me laugh. I think she would've played all day long if I let her.

"Oh you like my ballerina swim suit do you? Me too. I represent the new ballerina generation, big bellies, big butts, and big thighs are in!"
(Thanks again for the suit Kayla!!)

Happy Cinco de Mayo!


Katy said...

LInds! I love randomly checking in on your blog! Your love for life always comes through in your pictures and narration. I adore you.

Unknown said...

I love the ballerina swimsuit! And the Beaver cooler is the perfect size for her! :)

Sarah C said...

Oh holy hell, that suit is TOO MUCH!

Kayla Armstrong said...

She looks even cuter in that swim suit than i thought she would! she is the cutest ever Linds!