Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lots of drool

Another sign of teething: massive amounts of drool.
Bria's got it. She is soaking her shirts with drool, drool is dripping from her mouth to the floor, she's drooling on us, MJ, everything. It may be time to start putting a bib on her 24/7 because changing her outfit 10 times a day makes for lots of laundry. Although it's fun to dress her in lots of different outfits :)

Bria does some funny things with her cute little toes. She likes to give the thumbs up with her foot:
I love this little outfit (thanks Heather!):
Drunk picture:
"Dewd, I sink I haz too many dwinks mom."

And proof of the drool mentioned above:

I am getting really excited for Halloween and can't wait to decorate the house this week! I found a cute ladybug costume at Target that I just had to have so I went and got it yesterday. I know she won't remember it and she can't even really go trick or treating, but it's still her first Halloween and I want some cute pictures :) We tried it on her last night and oh my goodness it was cuteness overload! Bias much? I can't help it, I'm her mommy.


Emilie said...

my that is a lot of drool!!!

Danielle said...

That's what the front of Dillon's shirt looked like today! We were at the mall and I looked down and he was soaking wet. I'm still waiting on the teeth! I can't wait to see her ladybug pictures!!!

Amy said...

can't wait to see the ladybug costume! hope the toofer pops in soon!

Kelly said...

Super cute pictures! She is adorable!

Carly said...

i can't wait to see all the little monkeys in costume! bria will be an adorable bug :) and wowza on the drool- no joke. Random- but do you put her in cloth bibs or will you get the plasticy oes, or the vinyl lined ones?