Friday, September 18, 2009

Why so fussy?

First, a few pictures so start this post off right.

Grandma Renshaw got Bria a cute little pumpkin outfit.
It's safe to say she is the cutest pumpkin I've ever seen.

I never posted pictures of our boating trip last weekend. The weather was perfect and I'm so glad we got to go out on the boat one last time, it was just what the doctor ordered: vitamin D!
It was also Beaver game day so we were sporting our OSU pride.

Bria sampled a nectarine and was in heaven:
I lost the chance to win Mother of the Year award when I forgot Bria's hat. So I improvised and put her bathing suit bottoms on her head:
If anything it made for funny pics :)

Bria and I spent our days this week just hanging out and playing.

These are my favorite little PJ's on Bria:
Bria loves chewing on her books so I got her some plastic ones and she's been having a blast with them. It's probably a wise idea to invest in some more of those because they can keep her occupied for a few minutes, which is a long time for Bria these days :)

Bria loves her little monkey and smiles at him frequently:

Bria was being exceptionally crabby on Tuesday and I was at my wits end. Just then my Dad called and asked if he could stop by. I swear, God answered my prayers by sending my Dad, it was wonderful. He held Bria and she instantly stopped crying. He calmed her down and she was so happy to be in Grandpa's arms. The girls (my lil sister's) entertained her for a little while too and it was wonderful, thanks Abby and Cassidy! It was just the reprieve I needed.

Thanks again Dad, Bria loves her Grandpa!
I was making banana bread and mushed up some of the bananas and put them on Bria's high chair tray. She had fun playing with them but didn't get any in her mouth.
This week Bria has been pretty fussy and I was losing my mind. After going nearly insane Bria and I headed to Jaime's to get out of the house and I was hoping the kids could entertain her so I could have a break. Jaidyn was so wonderful and kept her smiling and playing while Jaime and I talked. Bria is so lucky to have her cousins!
Well Jaime and I were talking and since she is a mother of 3 and very wise I listened intently. She suggested that my milk supply may have decreased and that may be why Bria has been so fussy. When she said that I started looking back (hind site is 20/20) and totally agreed with her. So then I went to some trusty friends for supply help (thanks Sniff, you're the best!) and the answer to my problem was pretty simple. Eat and drink more. That may sound obvious but while I was sick last week I ate hardly anything. When I finally started feeling better I never really went back to my normal eating and drinking habits so my milk supply suffered, which means Bria wasn't getting a full feeding. I feel awful that I wasn't giving her enough, but I also feel relieved that we figured it out and I'm able to fix it. I have also started pumping each night (I am lazy and rarely pump) and might go get some mother's milk tea to help increase my supply. Already though I'm noticing a difference and it's only been 2 days.

Yesterday Bria and I went to our first little playgroup with the Moms club I joined. It was at this Toy Factory and even though Bria wasn't old enough to play with the toys, she had fun watching the kids run around. Plus it was so nice to get out of the house and talk with other moms.
I of course had to dress Bria in a cute little outfit, and what better way to finish off a cute outfit than with cute shoes?
"Oooh, these are fun Mom"
Deer in headlights look:
I have so many adorable videos that I have been trying to upload for weeks. Blogger hates me and will NOT upload them. I've contacted support but haven't heard anything. I'll keep trying though, they are too cute not to share!


Danielle said...

ooh lot's of cute pictures! I love those shoes. I'm so glad you got to the bottom of why Bria was so fussy. You are so lucky to have such a wise sister! Love the pumpkin costume. Dillon is going to be one this year too.

Carly said...

omg- the pumpkin outfit is too much! and i love how her pj's match the boppy and those both match her rug :)