Sunday, September 27, 2009

A friend

Bria met a little boy, Bennett, that was about a month younger than her and it was so stinkin' cute. He was a friend of a friend's little boy at the Beaver tailgator we went to. They were adorable together and would grab each other's leg or arm or back. Bria was obsessed with his ear and kept grabbing it and trying to eat it. They would look at each other and then go back to drooling on the toys. It was so much fun to watch and made me wish I knew someone that had a baby Bria's age.

In this picture Bennett is trying to tackle her:
Then he decides to give her hugs and help her sit up:
It was funny that he was so much bigger than her even though he's younger. Although little boys are usually bigger to begin with.

"Uh, Mom, he's grabbing my uniform off, are you gonna help or just take more pictures?"

"Hey Bria, what did your mom put on your head?"

"I think they're trying to get our attention for another picture. Man they act silly."

Cute little beaver friends :)

We have just been relaxing this morning in our pj's and enjoying Brian's last summer day before fall term starts. His last fall term!!

"Pleeeeease Daddy will you buy me that pretty dress?"


Bry said...

I read your blog and your little girl is super cute! Way to start her out right and in such cute OSU things :) Go Beavs!

Ben and Wes said...

Just came upon this!! I wish we would have become friends right after this!! These are adorable pictures!