Saturday, September 26, 2009

Just come out already!

I think Bria's other bottom tooth is trying to pop up. I've been able to see it under her gums for awhile but her short naps and now her stuffy nose have given it away. Bria had a stuffy nose for a week and a half before her first tooth popped up, so it looks like that other one should show up in about a week. I hate that her nose gets stuffy, poor thing. She doesn't like me sucking her boogers out with that blue thing, but I don't want to leave all that snot up there either. Teething is fun.
Babies only have 2 teeth right?

And it's a miracle, I was finally able to post a video. This one shows the love between MJ and Bria...since I haven't talked about that enough ;) The funny part of the video is when I tell MJ to not lick Bria's mouth, they both look at me like they're in trouble.


Danielle said...

AHHH! SO CUTE!! Our dog always tries to lick Dillon's mouth. It's a constant battle. I love their faces. MJ has really warmed up to Bria!

Sarah said...

That is so hilarious; I love it!