Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Well it is Tuesday and this week is going very well at work. I am feeling a tiny less overwhelmed and my days are going by a little faster because I have actual work, which is good!
Brian's job is going pretty good, he's very busy but today was a good day, just pray for more of those!

Our anniversary weekend went very well. We enjoyed dinner and dessert on Saturday and then came home and watched, "You, Me, & Dupree" which was good. I really like Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson is funny, or is it Luke? Anyway, good movie, I thought.
Sunday we spent all day in our downstairs bathroom. Not from the previous nights dinner, he he. We painted and put wainscoting up (spelling?). It's a small bathroom but we are first time remodelers so it took all day. It's still not completely done as we need to put the chair rail on top of the wainscoting, hence there are no pictures. But as soon as we finish it I'll put up the before and after :)

It rained today, which was a great break from the 99 degree days. But one day is enough, I would like a little sun back!

I wanted to say thank you for all the sweet comments about our anniversary and wedding pictures :) It was truly a magical day and I love looking at pictures and thinking about that day, so wonderful.
When we were engaged some people would comment on how young I was to get married, I didn't think 23 was THAT young, but to each their own. It wasn't so much that they commented on my young age that bothered me, it was their negative tone towards marriage in general that really irked me. Anyway, it is always good to hear people who have been married 5, 10, 15, 60 years talk about how in love they still are and how marriage, although it has it's challenges, is a wonderful thing. So, here's to forever!

Alrighty, dinner is almost ready and we have to go grocery shopping tonight, ugh, so I better get off the computer :) Have a great day!

1 comment:

Emilie said...

hey there...Im glad that your new job is going well. I hope that you are having a great weekend. Hope to hear from you soon.