Friday, July 06, 2007


Well, my last day at Allied has arrived, yessssss. I am counting down the hours for sure :) Although I am pretty nervous for Monday as I don't know what to expect and stressed about parking since it's downtown Salem. But excited for the new adventure to come.

I've done pretty good all week as far as getting up early and going for a run. I got up Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and today. This morning was nearly impossible but somehow I made myself get up. I'm enjoying pilates, this chick is pretty cool and I like how she teaches. I use to do Winsor Pilates but that lady kind of bothered me.

So it has been in the 90's here lately. I LOVE the sun and normally being that hot would not be so bad, but we don't have AC. However, we have what they call an all house ceiling fan and it is very powerful, when it gets a little cooler at night we turn that on and open the windows and it works great! Well, it broke. Brian hasn't been able to figure out what is wrong with it, even after he climbed in the 1000 degree attic! He replaced the switch, but to no avail. So my Dad said he would come over and help us figure it out, I hope we can get it working, it has been miserable at our house, so HOT!!!
On Wednesday it was so hot that I ran through the sprinklers just to cool off, it worked, plus it was kind of fun, MJ thought I was crazy. :)
Love Blogging
So I just have to say this whole blogging thing is awesome. I admit I am a "blog stalker" and I've met some really nice people because of it and reconnected with others! I also admit (apparently this turned into a confessional!) that I don't always comment on other peoples blogs that I check regularly so I've been trying to be better about that because I really like it when people comment on mine, just so I know people actually read it!
1 Year Anniversary!!
Next weekend is our 1 year anniversary! This year has been busy and gone by so fast, here was our first year of marriage at a glance:
June 18-Lindsey graduated from OSU, GO BEAVS!!!
June 25-Lindsey turned 23 :)
July 15-GOT MARRIED!!!!!!
July 17-24-Honeymoon in Hawaii, pure heaven
August 1-Moved out of college apartment in Corvallis to a nice townhouse in Albany
August 28-Lindsey started new job at Allied
August 29-Lindsey hated new job at Allied, lol!!
January/February-Bought our first home!!
March 1-Moved into our new house :)
June 22-Lindsey got the job at the State!
June 27-Brian got promoted to a manager!!
Also in the mix we were able to pay off 1 of 2 credit cards and my car!! It was a busy year, but we feel incredibly blessed at all the events the year held for us. My plan is to post some pictures from our wedding to remember what an amazing day it was, I will do that next week! We are not sure what we are going to do to celebrate this wonderful occasion, we were going to go to Seattle for the weekend, but things are a little busy so I'm not sure we'll make it. But we'll think of something!
Alrighty, have a wonderful weekend and TGIF!!!!


Kari said...

I'm so glad you have a new job. It's the pits to be in a job you hate. Monday will be a big day! Congrats on a year! It has been a busy year for you. You've managed to get so much accomplished. Good job! I hope this next year is a rewarding and joy-filled. ~Kari

Mama Nirvana said...

So who's blogs are you reading?


I don't even know if you know me, but I read all sorts of blogs. It is my favorite thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Happy Early Anniversary! It sounds like you have both accomplished a lot in the past year! Congrats! :)

Emilie said...

Well, you have been busy! I have the winsor piliates (sp?), and that lady on there kinda bugs me too. Haha. Im sooo happy for you with the new job. Let me know how it goes okay???
Happy early anniversary!!! thats great!!!

heather said...

Okay, I admit I'm a horrible blog stalker too and I rarely leave comments. So I just thought I'd let you know I stop by every once in awhile to read your blog. I came across your page through Kristin's... I was friends with her cousin Leslie and Nicole up in Michigan.

Anyway, the reason I like reading your blog is because it reminds me of home! We're from Oregon, the Portland area mostly, but we lived in Salem for the last year and a half before moving away. And we miss the beautiful Northwest!!! So it's nice to read some familiar places (and weather!) sometimes.
And you look so familiar to me for some reason... weird.

Well, I'm sure I'll be around, and I'll try and comment more often!
Hope everything's going well with the new job!