Wednesday, July 11, 2007


It has been soooo HOT here! I know Arizonians are thinking I'm a wimp because 100 degrees is not that bad for Arizona during the summer, but us Oregonians aren't use to it. Plus, when you don't have AC it makes it almost unbearable.

Last night I got home from work and the first thing I did was get in my bathing suit and run through the sprinklers, it was 81 degrees inside our house, poor MJ! The sprinklers helped cool me down which was a nice relief from the heat. We are planning on having AC installed before next summer, it is just too hot in our house! When we went to bed it was 84 in our house, how did it get hotter?!?! Even though we sleep with our bedroom window open and a fan in front of it, outside doesn't get very cool out. Now, I am someone who has to have covers, regardless of the temperature, I like to snuggle. But, it was so hot last night that I went to bed in my birthday suit (too much information I know!) and no covers, not even the sheets!!! I woke up around 2 am and couldn't believe I didn't have any covers, I put the sheets on half my body but it was still too hot to cover up. I think it's suppose to get a little cooler which will be great, especially at night!

So we decided this weekend, for our 1st anniversary, we are going to stay home and spend the whole weekend just us 2 (and MJ of course!). We are going to do much needed yardwork and paint our guest bedroom (sage green I think). It may sound dull but I am really looking forward to it :) We are also going to go out to dinner to a place downtown called Sybaris. We have gone there one other time and really enjoyed ourselves. They have delicious food and a wonderful atomsphere. Afterwards we'll go to a cute cafe, Sidekicks, for a tasty treat, Brian likes the chocolate cake and I like a decaf mocha (and a bite of his chocolate cake, or 2!). Just looking forward to it :)

So I finished the 2nd of 3 series by Karen Kingsbury. I absolutely love these books and I don't know what I'm going to do when I finish the 3rd series, I feel like the Baxter's are real people!!!

Okay, I'm kind of boring today so I think I better end this post before it's both Long and Boring! Have a great Wednesday, the week is half over!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girly! I have been terrible about commenting lately, but I have been reading and keepin' up. We don't have air either so I know how you feel. Miserable. Have a great weekend. Happy Anniversary!