Monday, July 08, 2013

Iowa-The swimming story

We survived the long journey to and from Iowa. The way there we had major delays and almost had to spend the night in Denver but thankfully it all worked out, we didn't get into Iowa until almost 3 am but we made it and the girls were champion travelers. Partly because we got upgraded to first class from Portland to Denver and I officially don't want to travel any other way ;)

The week in Iowa was a lot of fun and we met a bunch of people on Brian's side which was neat. I got to see where he grew up and where his Mom grew up. We stayed at a Winery just next to Conroy which is where his Mom grew up and is a town of about 300 people, it's so small that when Sara (Brian's twin) and I went for a jog in it we did two laps that totaled 4 miles :) The winery rents out a house right next to it and it was just perfect, large, newly renovated and had everything we could think to need.

The weather was not at all what I expected, apparently it was a pretty rare week for them. It wasn't humid and it was in the 70's most the time. However, the bugs did not disappoint, gnats were in full effect in the early evening. Reese would swat at her ears and whine, she wasn't impressed by the bugs either. There was one bug we enjoyed though, lightening bugs. One evening we kept Bria up late enough to see them and catch them, I will remember that evening for as long as I live. She was in heaven and I'd lying if I said I wasn't acting like a kid myself. They were so much fun to watch and her and Brian caught a bunch of them and put them in a bottle.

Taking a walk through the winery

 Aside from glimpses of happiness, Bria wasn't her normal self. Oddly enough she was incredibly homesick and kept talking about Oregon and our house. At one point she told Brian she couldn't remember what our house looked like. I also think she was allergic to something there because her eyes were a little swollen and she just didn't feel good.
Reese was her normal self, happy and hilarious most the time, cuddly and sweet at times, then a little terror a few times. She slept great and I am very grateful for that. The time change didn't seem to have too much effect on the girls and we all napped most days. 

She did this all on her own, my little model

Gabriel is quite the martial arts expert

The view from our house

 We went swimming to two different pools and then to a manmade lake. The first time we went to a pool I went in by myself with the two girls while everyone else was getting sunscreen and what not. I wasn't worried because Bria is pretty comfortable in the water and I can just hold Reese. We were in water that was about up to Bria's neck and she was in heaven. I turn to try and set Reese up on the edge because she was being incredibly squirmy and difficult, right as I do that the lifeguard directly in front of me blows her whistle and jumps in. I turn and see Bria's head slightly under water and have a heart attack.
I go over to make sure Bria is okay and she has no idea that anything has happened, happily content to hold on to the lifeguards floaty. I thank the lifeguard profusely who is probably in high school and very sweet. She then told me I would need to walk over with her manager and fill out some paper work which I of course agreed to. As I am trying to get out of the pool (both girls are very upset that we have to get out, Bria still has no idea what has happened) I realize they cleared the ENTIRE pool and everyone watches me walk with the manager into the office.
If you know me, you know I wanted to die. Or at the very least fall asleep so I could pretend this was NOT happening.
However, I am going to toot my own horn here and pat myself on the back a few times because I handled it really well. I put on my poker face and walked calmly to the office. 
I was gracious and thankful, filled out the paperwork and walked back out to the pool where I had just had my most embarrassing moment ever.
I pretended no one was staring (maybe they weren't but I wasn't even going to think about looking anyone in the eye), held my head up high (well, maybe I looked at the ground a little), and waded back in the pool with the girls as they announced everyone could again reenter the pool. At that time, Brian, Heather, and Marna walked in and wondered why everyone had cleared the pool. 
As I told them my story I surprised myself by still not breaking down in tears. I knew if I started it was all over. So instead, I remained kind of quiet the whole time and when it was time for dinner I recommended margaritas. And a giant strawberry margarita I had.
I am so glad the lifeguard jumped in, she did her job and it was very reassuring that she was attentive and fast. I do feel that Bria was okay and not in immediate danger, she proved later she can tread water and swim under water all on her own. But again, I am very grateful for the lifeguard and she made the right call to jump in.
Clearly the first part of the trip was a little exhausting and eventful so let's leave the rest for another post and get on to some pictures!

The lightning bug night

These two spent a lot of time coloring together

Watching a movie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics Lou!! :) I think you were a rock star during the whole pool incident!! Jon, Gabriel and I had a fantastic time in Iowa with everyone; Gabriel is asking where Reese is?... ;)
