Friday, December 02, 2011

Gettin' our Holiday on

It's December so it's officially safe to start decorating and making the house look all Christmas like :) We got our tree this evening and it's nice and big, love it. We went to a cute little Christmas tree farm where they had a tractor ride to take you to the North Pole and sit on Santa's lap. Santa even gave each kid a toy! Bria was adorable, she was a little shy but told him what she wanted (money in her 529, Daddy rehearsed that with her) and then smiled for a picture (Joe and Dehlia took their camera so I'll get that picture from them).

We've had a pretty busy week here with playdates and it's been nice having people to hang out with, I know Bria enjoys it.
My sweet little Reese is so smiley and I just love talking to her, she coos and gives me a big open mouth smile, complete with her daddies dimples and all. Everyone comments how much she looks like Brian and it's so true. I've come to realize she is the kind of baby that fusses before falling asleep. I hate listening to her cry but she usually doesn't cry long before drifting off to sleep. She is waking twice a night to eat and I didn't think that was bad until I went back and read the blog when Bria was 2 1/2 months old (April 2009) and she was sleeping through the night, 8-7. Wow. But, Reese doesn't barf like Bria did and I am beyond grateful for that. I rarely even use a burp rag with her. It's wonderful and I'll take her waking twice a night if it means I don't have to deal with barf.

I mean, how can you get mad at waking twice a night with this love bug?

"Uhhh, all this rocking is making me nauseous."

Perty blues :)

We have a Christmas party tomorrow night to go to and it should be fun. It's my Moms club friends that are having it and we always have a good time with them.
And I don't want to leave out pictures of my oldest daughter. We tried on her snowsuit to see if it fit, it's a little big but it'll do, hopefully for 2 years!



Danielle said...

So jealous of your two good sleepers! ;-) Your girls are just so cute!

pre workout supplement said...

You two girls are too cute... :)

Brandi said...

I swear we are so the same sometimes. I totally relate to feeling better when I feel like I got stuff done. It makes me feel sane ;o) You're doing a great job!