Wednesday, December 21, 2011

3 months

We did it, we survived the first 3 months! The newborn days can be easy at times, but overall they are hard. I'm glad Reese is 3 months, she is so much fun. It's so easy to get her to smile and she's starting to laugh more and more.

Her 'Santa Baby' onesie and tutu, courtesy of Ya-ya

Reese is incredibly ticklish. I try not to tickle her too much because she's too young to tell me to stop if she doesn't like it, but I sure like hearing her laugh and seeing her squirm.
She's lifting her head up so well when she's on her tummy, she finally likes tummy time. She is trying really hard to roll from her back to her tummy and it's super cute. But diaper changes are already challenging, isn't that way too soon?!

She's wearing 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. I think she's about 12 pounds but that's a guess. She loves "standing" and I can't believe how strong she is, it's quite impressive. She is still not a fan of the car seat but every once and awhile she tolerates it. Reese was only waking up once at night for a little bit but now it's twice again. She takes about 3 naps a day, 2 are short and one is long. She LOVES being naked and loves her baths.

She fell asleep during the photo shoot.
Not really, that would've been awesome.

"Oh, hello there."

"Yeah, I kind of like to be the star of the picture, you understand."

"Say wha? I am too the star!"

"Are you for real?!"

"Just pretend to get along, okay."

She is liking Bria more and more and is easily entertained by her. Although she loves her mama, she is pretty good about letting other people hold her.
I'm looking forward to her very first Christmas, she's going to get spoiled!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute with
her "Santa Baby" outfit! Love Ya-ya