Monday, July 25, 2011

Tantrums aren't forever right?

Last week was not such a good week weather wise so we've been kind of hanging out, wondering when in the heck our summer weather is going to arrive. The rest of the country seems to have hogged all the heat and is experiencing crazy heat, not so much. Last week I swear it was 60 and raining. I really shouldn't complain, especially being pregnant, but come on! I want to go outside, I want to swim, I want to use my a/c since this is the first time I have it!
Oh well, I just hope we have a very nice long fall.

Best seat in the house.
She sure loves her Daddy.

Bria is currently going through a no nap phase. She talks in her bed for almost two hours instead of sleeping. This wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't so flippin' cranky all evening long. Brian and I look at each other multiple times throughout the evening wondering what has possessed our toddler. We also panic at the thought of trying to handle 2 kids. Her tantrums are reaching toxic levels and she gets so angry for no reason, it's not fun at all. I just hope this phase passes soon and doesn't return :)

I whipped out the sidewalk chalk for the first time last week. I've been hesitant since it's messy, but we needed something to do and it wasn't raining at the moment so we hustled outside and drew on the driveway.
Dad even got a special parking spot :)

Bria thoroughly enjoyed coloring all over the driveway and asks everyday to do it again.

We attempted to remove Bria's bed rail last week because Brian thought she was ready. I don't usually throw my husband under the bus but he'll admit it was his idea and his doing, I didn't think it was time yet. Anyway, the first night or two she was fine, but the third and fourth nights she fell out of bed. One time she had some how fallen and rolled completely under the bed, her head was barely peeking out and it took some maneuvering to get her out. So, between that and all the potty breaks, I put the bed rail back up. We are all sleeping better...especially me since I was right ;)

We've had Sara and Gabriel with us for a few days and it's been a fun treat. I think Bria enjoys having guests over, although she is definitely more of a handful. She throws even more fits than normal which is just fabulous ;) It makes me a little nervous for how she'll adjust with her baby sister, I pray she does well because I'm not sure I could handle a newborn and a fit-throwing toddler.
This week we start swim lessons and I'm really looking forward to it. Not only will it give us something to do twice a week, but I think Bria will enjoy it and hopefully learn a lot. She sure loves the water!


Danielle said...

I am right there with you in tantrum hell. haha

Dad said...

Hey Lindsey,
While she's going thru this phase (and it's likely more than a phase - she'll never really go back to taking regular naps) let her play or run around or whatever. She'll be more tired at the end of the day and she'll go to bed more tired.
Also, I love you/her sooo much!