Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bria Boo

  • I call her Bria Boo sometimes and she's started doing it too when she sees a picture of herself, it makes me giggle.
  • Bria cut a 2nd year molar awhile ago, I don't know exactly when. I noticed it 2 weeks ago and it was already half way in, maybe that explains her crazy behavior.
  • She has been waking up completely dry for a few weeks now, we might be done with Pull-ups at night! She's been potty trained since December but we do pull-ups at night. I think she is ready though, she even woke up the other morning at 5:30 am and told me she had to go potty. I took her and then put her back to bed and she went back to sleep, beautiful :)
  • Bria's hair is getting really long, I'm getting close to wanting to trim it just a tad but I'm nervous. I don't want her curls going away!
  • She's obsessed with her Daddy, she's in love with him. I can't blame her, he's pretty neat.
  • She has her good and bad days when it comes to playing/sharing with other kids. It's an exhausting battle. The other day when Lanie and Bristol came over, Lanie and I got so tired of telling each girl to share that we just gave up and let them duke it out, it was nice.
Adorable cousins chasing bubbles together

Wish this wasn't blurry, it's a face of pure happiness :)

  • The other night during her prayers Bria started praying so I just listened and she said the sweetest thing: "We love Mommy and Daddy and MJ and baby sister." It made me melt.
  • When someone asks her how she's doing she says, "Well, I'm just doing good." It's hilarious and always gets a good laugh.
  • If she asks for something (like candy) and I say, "No but we can have an apple," she says, "Well, just a cookie." Smart girl.
  • On 4th of July at the Jensens BBQ she asked for M&M's and I told her no, she said through tears, "Well, I want to ask Grandpa."
  • The other night she wanted to play dress up and I was so excited, I've been waiting for this stage!
  • I'm so glad my sister gave me her girls' dress up clothes!
My girly girl :)

  • I got her a TinkerBell bedspread from Target and she loves it. I love it too. I was going to get a duvet cover but it was getting way too hard to find and they are kind of spendy so I found a great deal at Target on a comforter and snatched it up. In the winter I will just add a nice warm soft blanket underneath the comforter.
So excited about her new bedspread.

So that's about all the updates I can think of. I'm going to go put my feet up, what is it about being pregnant that makes your feet hurt all the time? I seriously want to soak my feet every day, and get a massage, and a pedicure.
Let's hope Brian reads this and gets the hint ;)

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I am totally jealous of Bria's bedspread.