Thursday, December 23, 2010

Big Bake Day!

It's funny that we call it our bake day because we do very little baking. We bake cookies and decorate them, but a lot of the treats we make do not require the oven. We love muddy buddies, scotch-a-roos, etc. No matter what we do we always have fun together and it's such a wonderful girls Porter :)

(From left: me, Jaidyn, Bria, Kailey, and Kayla)

The girls playing piano. Bria could've sat there forever I think.

Bria had a blast drenching herself and Ya-ya's floor with water while she washed the dishes...or as she called it, "Washing da bubbles!"

Bria was a handful and her lack of a nap didn't help. I was getting so frustrated with her and I'm just glad I had lots of help. Grandma's, Aunts, and cousins are the best :)

Jenny and her cute apron.

Kailey is a master cookie decorator. She is so creative and makes the cutest cookies.

Can you tell what that is? It was my attempt at making a little yellow VW bug. The kids thought it looked like an upside yellow frog :) I tried.

Grandma and her grandkids. Bria was not cooperating, hence the blurry photo.

Grandma and the Jensen kids.

Ya-ya and Bria

I finished our Christmas shopping yesterday, yes! Plus, I got everything wrapped during Bria's nap yesterday. So we are just about ready and I can't wait for Christmas Eve, I feel like a kid again, I can hardly contain my excitement!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Looks like a fun but exhausting day.