Tuesday, December 21, 2010

22 Months

Bria is 22 months old. I haven't been good about monthly updates since she turned 1 but I still want to do them every once and awhile so I remember what she was up to at this crazy and adorable age.

First some stats:

Height: 34 inches
Weight: 25 lbs 15 oz

She wears 18 month pants and is starting to switch to 24 month shirts. Instead of diapers (wahoo!!!!!) she wears 2T underwear, in the TinkerBell variety of course. She wears size 5 shoe.

  • Talks a lot. I have no idea how many words she says, I can't count that high. ;)
  • She can be a bit of a spit fire, when something is not going her way she does this irritating pig squeal that makes me want to throw something. I miss her cute voice saying, "Help please," or "No thank you."
  • Can sing the whole alphabet and just did it during lunchtime, I'm impressed at how well she says all the letters.
  • Can count to 10 most the time, although 4 and 5 don't always make the cut.
  • Understands when to use the word too. For example she will say, "Mommy's happy. Bria's happy too! Daddy's happy too!"
  • Is so sweet and loving with her baby dolls. She feeds them, rocks them, sings to them, puts them down for bed, it's really cute to watch.
    • Pretends to make dinner with her play food.
    • Is getting better at eating and even enjoys snow peas, broccoli (she chews it up and then spits some out, but I still say it counts), and one time she liked tangerines.
    • Is potty trained!
    • Loves TinkerBell
    • Is taking a long time to go down for naps these days, but I'm not giving up on naps!
    • When I say, "Sesame Street is on, should we watch it?" She'll say excitedly, "Good idea!" and it makes me laugh every time.
    • Her blond hair is turning a little darker, getting longer and the back is curly still.
    • Her blue eyes still sparkle like diamonds and she has the sweetest dimples.
    This toddler stage is hard. I read other blogs and people seem to have it so together and I start feeling guilty. "I'm letting her watch too much tv!" "She didn't eat enough meat, vegetables, and fruit today (or any for that matter)!" "I make her mac 'n cheese way to much." "I didn't play with her enough today." "I should take her out to play more often." "Am I depriving her of social interaction with other kids?" "Am I being too hard on her?" "She is mean to other kids, what have I done wrong?"
    You get the point.
    I'm trying hard to let go of this guilt. I've thought about making my blog private (which I still may do), quit reading other blogs, stop googling things, etc. I'm working hard to cut myself some slack, I can't do it all and that's okay. Bria is loved and I get to be at home with her and that is a huge blessing. She is such a sweet little girl and even on the hard days I remember that.
    I've never loved anyone like I love Bria, she is absolutely positively my whole world and I would do anything for her.
    I can't believe in 2 months I will have a 2 year old!


    Julia said...

    She is such a cutie! That is so cool that she is all potty trained. I wait until 24-26 months to start. I am very impressed momma! She is such an itty bitty thing. Natalia wears a size 10 shoe--no joke. She is a big girl. One of my friends came over with her 3 1/2 year old and they were the same height. She probably out weighed him too. I love Bria's little faces she makes. You can tell she is full of spunk and personality. :)

    Danielle said...

    Oh my...you sound like an incredible mother! I worry about all of the things you've mentioned too. Being a first time parent is not easy. Also, how did you get her to try new foods!? I need some advice ;-)

    flojat said...

    You're an amazing momma, and an inspiration to those of us who read your blog! You're raising a beautiful, smart, happy little girl. That's all that matters!

    Anonymous said...

    You're doing just fine momma! When I was pregnant with Adam, I was so sick, and Natalie ate Gerber graduate meals and turkey dogs way more than she should have in the beginning. You do what you can! I also have a lot of guilt over the things you mentioned. I read other blogs and freak out about how Natalie doesn't talk in sentences, doesn't know ABC's, can't count, etc. Then I also wonder what I did wrong. Sometimes, I have to stop reading, too cuz it works me up. Every kid is different, and you are doing a great job!

    The Beavers said...

    You have no idea how many times I ask myself the same questions. You are doing so awesome and Bria is so lucky!!! Yes, you should cut your self some slack. Some days are harder or easier than others and know you are not alone!!!

    mrslrob1 said...

    Lindsey. You are a great mother and you need to give yourself some credit. You spend a lot of time with Bria and she is a well adjusted little girl. You remind me a lot of your mom at the same age. Life is too short to get stressed over things. If your mom and I knew then what we know now, we would be a lot more salm and would go with the flow. Be grateful for each and everyday and cut yourself some slack. You are doing GREAT! I love looking at your blog. Love ya, Aunt LoAnn