Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Commence Blogging!

And we have internet, wahoo!!!!

I am going through blogging withdrawals. Seriously, the last time I went this long between posts was right after I had Bria. It feels like it’s been a year since I last blogged, and it feels like a million things have happened in the last 2 weeks.

I’m not exactly sure how to catch up on all the stuff that’s been going on with us. I mean, we’ve moved out of our first home we ever owned, moved into an apartment that is smaller and has less storage (by a lot), made a trip to the ER, and other fun stuff.

So let’s just dive right in and do a little summary of a few things:

~Moving day was rough. We were more unorganized that I wanted to be but fortunately we had family to help us finish packing and load up all of our stuff. Portland was very very rough; we had less people to move it so Brian, Randy, and Kris moved EVERYTHING. I felt awful. It made so much work for them and that’s not fun for anyone. But somehow we survived.

~I may have had some panic attacks on moving day and the day after. Unpacking takes waaaaaay longer than I remember. Seriously, it’s been a week and a half and I’m just starting to feel like maybe we’re starting to get settled.

~The ER. Oh boy, what a fun thing. It was our 4th day here in our new town and we went to Costco for a few things, including dinner. Who doesn’t love a Costco hot dog? We were in line and I was holding Bria’s hand, Brian took her other hand and swung her up. Well right as he did she started to turn. She started crying and I knew right away that something was dislocated. I tried to stay calm but oh my word I was freaked out of my mind.

We waited a couple minutes to see if maybe it was nothing, but she would not move her arm. She just held it by her side with her other hand over it. I felt horrible for her, she was crying in pain. I could get her to calm down but then she would move just the slightest bit and start crying in pain all over again. The ride to the hospital felt like hours, in reality it was about 15 minutes. I did a mix of singing and comforting Bria, with crying and praying. We got to the hospital and it only took about 10 minutes before we saw the doctor. The doctor knew right away that it was nursemaid elbow, which means her elbow was dislocated. She said it was incredibly common and her last shift she had four in a row. She did a simple turn and push of the arm and pop, it was back in. She was completely better within 2 minutes. The doctor was so nice and even showed us how to pop it back in on our own since she’s now more susceptible to it happening again. Bria was fine and she forgot about it almost immediately. Brian on the other hand felt horrible. He has been so hard on himself and even the doctor reassured him that he did nothing wrong and he’s a wonderful Dad. He really is.

Okay, now that I’ve gotten a few things out of the way, we can get back to our regularly scheduled blogging.

Here are 2 pictures to hold you over until I can get some posts up :)


Anonymous said...

Poor baby Bria! That's awful! I'm happy it wasn't too major and that the doctor was able to fix her up and comfort Brian. :)

Kari said...

Did you buy a house? I have a friend up there in Hillsboro who is moving and has the most amazing house for sale. Just thinking of you. :)

Danielle said...

Glad the move is over. Poor Bria! i'm glad the doctor was so great about it. I swing Dillon like that every now and then and should really stop.

Lindsay said...

Poor baby! I'm glad she's ok!