Thursday, October 21, 2010

Roloff Farms

I attended my first "Good Times Mom" group event. It's a moms group I found on and I was excited to finally attend a playgroup since we are all settled now. The other moms were really nice and there was one Mom in particular I hit it off with. That sounds hilarious, like we chose each other on some reality group dating show. But seriously, she was really nice and her little girl and Bria hit it off so then we got to talking. It was her first event as well.

It was so nice to have some place to for a change. Bria and I got all ready:

I love that she is finally starting to give the camera a smile...although she chooses when she wants to.

Last year Bria was terrified of pumpkins. Like every time we put her near one she would start whaling like we were setting her in a tank of sharks or something.

I'm happy to report that this year she happily marched over to pumpkins and gave them kisses. I guess reading and talking about pumpkins worked, she was prepared.

Contemplating which pumpkin to kiss next.

Of course the farm had animals and we had to go visit the goats and llama's about 12 times. She would squeal and laugh and make crazy noises, which made everyone around us die laughing. She loved the baby goats and attempted to give them kisses. Pumpkins, fine, goats, no. I have to draw the line somewhere.

"Kisses for all the pumpkins!"

"Stay. Good Pumpkin."

For those that have watched or heard of the show Little People, Big World, Roloff farms is their farm. I didn't really expect that I would see anyone from the show (I've only watched it once or twice at other peoples' houses since we don't get that channel), but the mom came out about half way through and was taking pictures and talking with everyone.

So we got a picture with her!
She really was so nice, totally genuine and loved the kids. I thought it was nice of her to take the time to thank everyone for coming and let us snap pictures.

So that was the first pumpkin patch visit of the season, but we have at least 1 more planned. They are fun this year now that Bria isn't scared of pumpkins :)


Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool that you got to meet the mom (I can't remember her name!) and get a picture! Looks like a fun and beautiful day. :)

Julia said...

My sister in law went there and said the same thing about the Rollof's. she got a picture with them too. What special people! That is so cool you found a mom's group up there.

Brandi said...

I am SO jealous that you went to Roloff Farms!!!!! We are going to have to come back to OR so we can meet the Roloff's too!

Danielle said...

So cool! I love that show!