Saturday, October 23, 2010

She's Yes then she's No

One minute I have the cutest toddler on the planet. We'll be in the living room and she'll get up and say, "Buh bye mommy, love you, see ya later," come give me a kiss and then run to her room to bring out more books. That's when I think to myself, wow I have the most precious angel in all the world.
The next minute I tell her we need to change her diaper and she screams, "NOOOOO!" and starts crying and screaming and flailing. I'm shocked our neighbors haven't called social services on us.
Seriously, I believe I'm getting a glimpse of the terrible twos and let me tell you, this is wayyyy scarier than anything Halloween can throw at me. I look at this screaming child and wonder where in the heck my adorable, obedient child went.
Then we finish up the diaper change and I give her a stern look for being naughty and she sweetly says, "I sowwy mommy." And smiles this angelic smile.
Oh she's good, she's real good. Did she learn this stuff from her father? That's what they do when I'm away.

(Taken with my cell phone in the grocery store...getting ingredients for one of my awesome dinners ;)

"Come on, Mom. We gotta hit all the stores before it gets dark, I don't wanna miss bath time with Dad."

Goofing around in Daddies sweatshirt

Inspecting the blue hippo quite carefully

Then I look at these pictures and know that no matter what tantrum she throws, I love this girl so much my heart nearly explodes. She's just my life and I love her to pieces.

Here's a little video of her playing ring around the roses with her baby doll. Towards the end she sings the whole thing:


Sarah C said...

She was a perfect angel yesterday. I think you're making up the tantrums stuff!

Hee hee

Danielle said...

O-M-G I can't stand how cute this is!