Friday, January 01, 2010

Year to Year

Last year at this time my day looked like this:

5:55 am- Get up, shower.
6:10 am- Do hair and makeup while watching the news
6:30 am- Get dressed
6:40 am- Scarf down breakfast while packing a lunch and getting my hot chocolate made
6:50 am- Leave to meet vanpool and head to work

7:45 am- Arrive at work
12:30 pm - Eat lunch, go for a walk
3:00 pm- Break, go for a walk
4:50 pm- Meet vanpool and fall asleep on the way home (one of the many reasons the vanpool rocked)
5:45 pm- Arrive home, don't sit down-go directly upstairs to change and go for a walk with MJ.
6:30 pm- Get back from walk, change, eat cereal and toast for dinner, and sit on the couch for the rest of the night.

Since a year ago I was about 8 months pregnant I will add that I peed every 20 minutes, or so it seemed.

My days now:

6:30/7 am- Wake up to a beautiful baby talking on the monitor (or more recently, crying), nurse baby in bed while watching the news
7:30 am- Go downstairs, eat breakfast while Bria plays
8:30 am- Feed Bria breakfast
9:00 am- More playing
10:30 am- Baby down for a nap (if we're lucky it's 2 hours, if we're unlucky it's 20 minutes)
1:00 pm- Bria's had a nap, lunch, and now it's time to run errands or have a playgroup of some sort
3:30 pm- Attempt to put Bria down for an afternoon nap, doesn't always work

5:00 pm- Bria eats dinner
7:00 pm- Bath time for Bria, then nurse, then a story, then bedtime

9:30 pm- Crawl into bed

Crazy how time changes things. Will 2010 bring us more changes? Only time will tell.


Carly said...

what a difference a year makes!!! except you were gorgeous in both 'days

Sarah said...

Ditto Carly!