Friday, January 15, 2010

The Library Rocks

I love reading. Love, love, love it. I haven't read a book since Bria was born, for obvious reasons, and I don't think I realized how much I missed it. Last week Bria and I went to our local library and holy cow have we been missing out. They have a great play area for kids so while Bria played, I got to read.
I would stop every few pages to stop Bria from eating the germ infested toys there. I'm not gonna lie, it's hard to watch her crawl across the floor knowing how many dirty shoes have walked across there, and watch her play with the toys that so many other kids have slobered on, but it builds her immune system right? Plus, she was having fun and it was nice to get lost in a book again. So we are visiting the library often and I love it. I check out a bunch of books for Bria and one for me. It's wonderful to be reading again, any book suggestions for me?

It looks like Bria may have transitioned to one nap, although I have thought that twice before so who knows. The last week Bria has just taken one nap and does pretty well.
No new teeth, still just the 4.

Bria loves helping me organize my PJ drawers, apparently she thinks I need all new pajamas because she pulled all of them out, and had fun doing it:

I'm trying to expose Bria to lots of different types of fruits and vegetables. I don't like cantaloupe or honey melon but I bought some for Bria to try and she really like it:
She's definitely become a picky eater and is eating a lot less these days. I'm not sure why, hopefully it's just a phase. If I let her, she would eat toast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sound familiar? Apparently all the toast I ate during pregnancy made her a toast addict as well.

More pictures to come...


Amy said...

that's so funny about the toast! and that's awesome your library has a play area. i wish ours did!

Anonymous said...

Love the thing about the toast! Natalie should turn into Taco Bell at some point (no, I don't give that to her!); it was one of the few things I didn't throw up when I was pregnant, so I ate it often. :)

I love that your library has a play area! Just sanitize her hands when you leave, to ease your mind. That's what I do when we play in a mall play area. :) I'm gonna check into our library and see what they have for kids!

Kris and MaLanie said...

Reading is pretty much all I have done since Bristol was born. I read when I nurse and sometimes while she naps (when I should be doing something much more productive). I can give lots of suggestions. What kind of books do you like? You should definitely read The Hunger Games.
I love that Bria loves toast. Good idea exposing her to foods that you don't like.

Brandi said...

I am just now getting back into as much reading as I did before Austin. I have almost read all of the Amy Tan books, and just finished the first book that the TV Show True Blood is based on. It was a fast read and pretty good! Give Bria a hug and kiss from Austin :o)