Friday, December 18, 2009


Bria has been pulling up on everything these last couple weeks and she is having a blast. I can only imagine how fun that would be to discover for the first time. Now that she's pulling up she's beginning to climb a little, testing out the waters. I have a flat tote that holds our christmas wrapping paper and she has a blast climbing on top of it.
And just yesterday she was finally able to crawl off of it for the first time.

Before she climbed she decided to help me wrap some presents:
Sitting on her throne:

I'm thinking we'll need to work on this before she does stairs, like maybe getting her to turn around instead of head first.

Awhile ago I posted about how I thought Bria was going down to one nap, yeah that didn't happen (thank goodness!). She's been doing 2 naps, although she fights the afternoon nap like crazy. Anyway, Sunday she did the 20 minute nap I talked about and Tuesday she did the same thing. I could not believe it, so I finally decided that maybe she was ready for one nap.
We have tried it the last 2 days and it's gone pretty well, she slept for an hour and a half. I keep hearing about these 2 hour naps that so many toddlers take so I'm in shock my little 10 month old (on Sunday!) thinks she only needs an hour and a half. But it's better than 20 minutes.

Why do babies find dangerous things fun?
Or maybe I should be asking, Why do moms grab the camera and take a picture of their baby playing with cords?

Bria is starting to eat more real food, meaning not the Gerber stuff. She loves bananas, she especially loves to squish them in her hands. I have been unbelievably lucky to have a clean eater, I rarely need a bib because she swallows everything I put in her mouth. I love it. So this whole eating with her hands is kind of hard for me, but I know it's important so I just remind myself of that a lot. I steamed some veggies for her and she enjoyed the carrots quite a bit, but the green beans and peas she wasn't a huge fan of, although she did eat a few of them.

I was sitting at the computer and I heard a little noise behind me, this is what I turned around to see:
Cutest. Face. Ever.

I can't believe Christmas is only a week away, I feel like a kid again because I am soooo excited. Bria loves playing with the presents under the tree so I can't wait until we sit them in front of her for her to open. I'm sure once we do she'll get bored and crawl away so I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high ;)

Brian has been working late all week and it sucks. But he's got a job so I'm not complaining (well ok sometimes I complain but then I remember that I shouldn't). Plus he has to work tomorrow. It's safe to say we are both completely worn out and ready for some shorter work hours.
Since I knew Brian would be working late this week I made plans to stay busy and it really helped. Brian's mom came over twice and watched Bria which was just wonderful, Bria agreed. I was able to make a trip to Target all alone and then last night I went to dinner with a high school friend, it was marvelous.

Now I need to try and plan things to do next week to keep us busy :)


flojat said...

I am seriously in love with that last picture.

Steph said...

Bria looks so grown up in these pictures. So cute!

Emilie said...

ooh. she is getting adventurous! I love it. She's more like a "real person" now... not just a baby that lays there all the time. SO. MUCH. Fun! :)