Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Bria got her first goose egg . She was climbing over my leg and went head first onto the hardwood. She cried for a long time and I felt awful. When she was somewhat calmed down I nursed her and she fell asleep in my arms, where she took her afternoon nap and I soaked it up. Her noggin' has a tiny bruise but I haven't taken a picture because then I'll feel even worse and I'm finally starting to get over it, 3 days later.

Now that we have ourselves a little crawler we're keeping busy. I use to shower while Bria played in front of the mirror in our bedroom (where I could see her), now she crawls into the bathroom or over to MJ's water bowl and gets into everything. Just like everyone said she would :) Right now I still think it's cute, ask me again in a week how I feel about her crawling everywhere.
She definitely wants to stand up, in fact while her hands are on the ground she'll straighten her legs and stand up, with her hands and head still on the ground. It's quite hilarious and I'm realizing I should snap a photo of this.
Bria does not like it when you take something away that she wants to play with. The camera for instance. I was using the camera as a way to entice her to crawl and then I let her pick it up and examine it. Before she destroyed it I nicely took it away and this is what happened:

So I took pictures and laughed at her cute little lip.
Then I found her another toy and she was fine. My little drama queen.

Bria also finds it amusing to wrestle MJ.

Brian and I encourage this because it makes us laugh. MJ is such a good sport and takes it. We definitely keep a close eye though, don't need any more scratches to the eye.

I couldn't help but smile when Bria spent a good 1/2 hour playing with her pretty bows, she's all girl!
This weekend we are going to get our Christmas tree and hopefully take our Christmas card photo so we can get those printed and sent out. I can't wait to get our Christmas tree home and decorated, then it will officially feel like December.


Danielle said...

Dillon did the SAME thing. Face plant right into the hardwood. He has also started screaming when I take something away or try to change him when he wants to play. Tantrums are fun huh?

Carly said...

is it bad that her angry face made me smile?? Looks like MJ has come a long way!

Lindsay said...

Hahaha, I love the picks of bria and MJ. poor puppa looks like he's being tortured and she's having the best time!

Brandi said...

Briak has the cutest mad face! And how sweet is MJ?! We miss her little barks when she goes outside to go potty.