Friday, September 04, 2015

Hood to Coast

This post is hard for me to do because I feel overwhelmed with all the stuff I want to say. Bare with me as I try and gather my thoughts.
I've been running. I started in January and have consistently stuck with it. In the spring, Lark asked if I wanted to join her Hood to Coast team. I was scared but said yes.
Since then she has been my motivator, trainer, and inspiration. I could not have done it without her. Once August hit we stepped up our running game and did some daily doubles to prepared for what was to come.
What was to come? Well, Hood to Coast is the Mother of all relays. 198 miles from Mt. Hood to Seaside, Oregon. Teams of 12, split into 2 vans of 6. Literally, you relay the whole way there, nonstop. It took us just under 29 hours.
Team name: Go Fight Winn
In honor of Ted Winn who was diagnosed with cancer and last year at this time he was undergoing treatment. Today? Today he is awesome and living life. Wahoo!!!
 Let's back up though...Friday morning we woke up, packed the van and headed up to Mt. Hood where Amanda would start us off!

Mt. Hood in the background

Van 1 is ready to go baby!
Amanda passed off to Dusty, who passed off to me...

Leg 1 done, whew!

Dusty and his big hair, unforgettable runner :)

My first run was 3.75 miles and it was a gradual down so I loved it. Great way to warm up and I hauled. Average pace was around 7:15 or so. That's fast for this short legged girl!
I passed off to Stephanie, who passed off to Lark, who then passed to our van's last runner, Will. We met van 2 at the last exchange and wished them well on their first legs of the race. 
Then we drove to Michelle's work (Michelle was in van 2) where we showered and ate real food. We tried to rest but it was like 7 pm so no sleep was had. 

Eventually we headed downtown Portland where we would be begin our second legs. We met up with van 2 and asked how everything was going, they seemed to be doing well. It was now dark and started raining, which wasn't super fun but not too bad either. By the time it was my turn there was some gorgeous lightning going on and it was pretty enjoyable. Especially since I didn't get struck by it.

This was my long one, 7.5 miles and I had been nervous for it. I ended up loving it and doing great. The last half mile I started to run out of steam and my stomach cramped up big time afterwards. I think I averaged 8:15 or so which is fast for me for that long of a run so I think my body was just a little shocked. Once we had all run, we drove to a field and tried to sleep. It started pouring so hard and all I could think was, "Poor van 2." We didn't get much sleep, maybe an hour or two and then it was time to finish up with our last legs of the race.
Bring on leg 3 baby!!
My last leg was 6.25 miles and although it was windy, my muscles were tired, and I could feel a blister, I powered through with an average pace of 8:45 or so.
Passing off to Stephanie!

Rosa the blood blister
 Finishing that last leg and handing the bracelet to Stephanie was just the best feeling. I was finished, I had accomplished the task I had been preparing for and I was so proud.
I've never been the best runner. Truly. I can sprint decently but these legs were not meant for distance. But I said screw that, I'm going to make it happen!
We got to the last exchange where van 2 was waiting and contemplating not finishing.
I nearly choked to death, what?! We nudged them in the direction of finishing and not giving up, because, what?! Quitting is not in my vocabulary. I was willing to run another leg before I drove back home without crossing that finish line.
So they trudged on through strong winds and we followed them at each exchange and cheered them on.
We might have grabbed a beer to help numb our sore legs

The girls of van 1
Van 1: What a FUN van!
What FUN weather we had!
Van 1 all done and headed to Seaside to cross the finish line with Michelle who is runner 12

Finish line got moved because...well just look at the picture

Here comes Michelle!!!!
We all ran to the finish line, received our medals, and congratulated each other for a job well done. The weather was definitely against us but we said screw you to the weather!
Van 1 being the crazy group that we are!

The whole Go Fight Winn team
From here we all went to eat at Cannon Beach and talked about the awesome accomplishment and the not so awesome obstacles that stood in our way.
So, would I do it again? In a heartbeat. Yes it was hard. But that camaraderie and accomplishment is so worth it. Loved being a part of it!

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