Friday, September 18, 2015

2 weeks in

We are about 2 weeks into this school thing and so far it's not too shabby. Bria has days where she doesn't want to get up but so far her attitude is not bad. I've been waking up about half hour before everyone else so I can drink my coffee in peace and prepare for the day, hopefully I can stay motivated to keep doing that because it really does help. I'm much more pleasant once I have a cup of coffee in me :)

Reese wishes her school was longer and more often. Tuesday morning she ate one bite of cereal and then wanted to get dressed and ready. She got her backpack and shoes on and was all set to go...30 minutes early :) Love this girl.
Penny and Reese waiting for preschool to start

Hopefully Reese stays this motivated and excited about school! She is currently in the 3's class and I think it's fine, however, they informed me that I'm welcome to put her in 4's at any time since her birthday falls in September. Something to consider if she does seem to need/want a little more. It does feel a little like daycare when I drop her off, there isn't a set schedule and her sweet teacher is so nice but quite a bit more laid back than myself...aka she doesn't have a ton of structure to the class.

It's currently 60 degrees and cloudy, but last week we had some hot hot days and we got outside to soak it up!

Penny is getting so big and she loves to do big girl things. I don't even have to push the kids on the swing or stroller with her around ;)

Water bead fun
A few weeks ago we went to an estate sale and Brian found a heavy duty rope. The awesome Dad that he is turned it into a little rope swing for the girls and they have been LOVING it. It's been an everyday activity so far and I love that it gets the girls outside. 

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