Friday, October 21, 2011

1 month

It's going by way too fast. I cannot believe my little Reese's pieces is 1 month old today. There are a few newborn sleepers in her closet that are too short for her and I just can't bring myself to pack them up. This is my last little newborn and she's already outgrowing her newborn clothes. ::tear::
But let's try and focus on the happiness of this all. She is amazing and adorable and I love her so much. We are all over the moon in love with this bundle of joy and now that she is smiling it's getting so fun. She'll lay on a blanket and look around, try and talk a little, and throw a few smiles out. It is so much fun and Bria loves it almost as much as I do. I love watching them together and I know that is only going to get better with time (and then worse when they reach the fighting age ;).

At one month old, Reese:
  • Is probably around 9 pounds (she was 8.10 a week ago for her weight check)
  • Is pretty tall I think, again, don't know her measurement
  • Wants to be held all day, she prefers to bury her face in your chest
  • Does not like her car seat, this sucks
  • Nurses every 2 to 3 hours
  • Does not like sleeping on her back, not even a little bit (just like her sister)
  • Is so strong, she can hold her head up and when we do tummy time she lifts her head up so high, we are all very impressed :)
  • Has less hair than her sister and I think it may be lighter
So while my back hurts from holding this precious bundle of joy all day long and juggling Bria as well, she is very much worth it. I love when she looks around bright eyed and I love making her smile. As much as it's killing me that she's growing so fast, I also look forward to seeing her little personality shine through. I can't wait to see if her hair is blond and curly like Bria's :)

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I am officially decided that a bow in a little girls hair is the cutest thing in the world.