Thursday, April 21, 2011

A sneak peek

I snapped a few pictures of our house the other day. I debated posting them because we still have a little work to do but thought, who cares.

Here is Bria's room. Wait, what is that on the right side?
A big girl bed!
We are currently in transition from a baby room to a toddler room. We purchased a twin bed and mattress and set it up so Bria can get use to it. Her new room will be purple and green with TinkerBell accents. Although, her new obsession with Jessie from Toy Story has me wondering if we should do a cowgirl theme. But we already have TinkerBell stuff so that will have to do :)

I am VERY excited about our walk in closet, plenty of room and we each get our own side, yay!

I didn't take pictures of the whole thing because that would just be crazy ;) But I did want to show you how nice and organized it is, thanks Jen!

And here is our bedroom, it's very spacious and has a cool area that steps down.
We are going to put a desk in the sunken part so Brian can use it when he works from home.
(And yes our curtains are brown and the duvet cover is gray, we are still in the process of redecorating)

Here is the playroom/office that is off the kitchen. Still figuring out how to set this room up.

This is from the living room looking up the stairs. I think my favorite part about the house (besides A/C, wahoo!) is all the natural light. It's so bright, I love it.

From the living room looking into the formal dining room. We don't have 2 tables so this area is the wine room/MJ kennel place (hence the big red square thing).

The living room (and a cute toddler in her pj's)

The nook

The kitchen

I still need to snap a photo of the outside as well as the 3rd bedroom but those will have to wait. I'm still in my pj's so I don't want to go outside and the 3rd bedroom is still a work in progress. We have a queen bed in there now for visitors, but come September we'll turn it into a nursery.

Things are going pretty well. Bria's waking up a little earlier than usual but that might be the new house thing still. She is cracking me up daily with her funny expressions. The other day I was disciplining her and after I was done with my little Mom speech she came over to me and said, "Don't worry Mom, it's not your fault," whilst patting me softly. I took it as her saying, "It's the pregnancy hormones making you so moody Mom, don't worry, Daddy explained it to me."

I am getting so excited for Easter this weekend, probably because Bria is old enough to "look" for eggs and get excited. We are heading down to Corvallis to Grammy's house (Brian's mom) for dinner on Saturday and then church on Sunday. Let's hope Bria does well in church :)


Unknown said...

The house looks great!! Gabriel and I can't wait to come visit!! :)

Brandi said...

The house is awesome! I am so jealous of your closet space!!!! And Chris and I had an "AWWWW"moment when we saw MJ in the picture.