Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Oh mr. sun, sun, mr. golden sun...

Since the sun doesn't seem to be shining enough for my hair to lighten up, I went and had it done artificially. Actually, I was just well over do for a hair cut and decided to mix things up and get some blond highlights.


I'm happy with how it turned out, plus it just feels healthier.

This week I am busy packing up the apartment so I thought I would try and throw a bunch of pictures in one post to hold the grandparents over for awhile ;)
I super duper love the following pictures, these two people make me all giddy and happy:
"Here's lookin' at you kid!"

"Is that a booger on my finger?"

"Eat my booger, Mom."

It's unseasonably cold here this month and that makes me sad. I am so ready to go outside and feel warmth, instead of having to wear my winter coat and gloves. So we still try and think of indoor activities to do to keep Bria entertained. I decided to have her help me make some cookies, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time. For some reason I've always thought how fun it would be to make cookies with her. She may still be a little young but we sure had fun, even if the KitchenAid scared her a little.

Stirring the flour

Bria ate cookie dough while I plopped it all on the pan.

Still eating the cookie dough

The cookies turned out especially delicious since Bria put her love (aka saliva) in there ;)

We have had a few sunny days here and there and everyone and their dog goes to the park. Including us. Minus our dog.
It feels so good to see the sun and my skin thanks me, seriously, I am so pasty that I know my skin is missing a little sun exposure.
Grammy gave Bria a bubble machine and she LOVES it. I'm going to have to try and make some bubble solution because she could sit out there for hours and chase bubbles.

We met Lanie and Bristol at the park along with Lanie's cousin and her two girls. They were all in heaven being outside and playing with each other.
I love when little kids hold hands, it's so precious.
This week we are staying busy with fun stuff and with packing. Yesterday was gymnastics class and Bria did so well. She loves the bar, they have a short one for little kids and she'll hang on it and swing her feet up in between her hands, it's very impressive :) She also loves the foam pit and especially loves when I throw her in it. She is getting a lot better at jumping, still does more of a gallop than a two footed jump, but she's getting better each time.
This morning we went to the Zoo with Lanie and Bristol (pictures to come) and had such a good time. Love going there.
Tomorrow Lanie and Bristol are coming over to help us pack and the rest of the week will be more packing :)
I'm looking forward to being done with this whole moving stuff, we plan on being in this house for years and hope it works out that way because I despise moving.
I like when we're all settled and get to have fun, like going out to dinner on Friday nights, I always look forward to that :)

Last Friday was Red Robin. Mmmm, burger.
My two cuties.

Wish us luck packing and moving, we have lots of help from friends and family which is so much appreciated. It makes it ten times easier when you have help.


Kris and MaLanie said...

First of all, longest post ever!! :) Second, glad to see you are getting some use out of the clothes I gave you. Lookin' good! I love when the sun comes out and we can do fun things outside together. Adore the picture of the girls holding hands. Oh and Bria cracks me up. Her facial expressions kill me!

♥ Lovfer♥ said...

Mmmm... saliva cookies ;)