Monday, April 25, 2011

Gimme more candy!

We are going to need to do an intervention with Bria or maybe put her in candyholics anonymous. Alright and maybe I should go with her. This weekend was full of candy, what better way to remember Jesus coming back from the dead? In fact, I think we give kids treat at Christmas and Easter so they associate God with candy and that makes them even happier.
Anywho, we need to go on some kind of cleanse because we are all sugared up.
I have lots of pictures from the weekend, these first two are out of order but I couldn't resist adding them.

Getting her Easter basket from Grammy on Saturday. We thought that would help her get in a better mood since she was tired and cranky.
It did help.

My pretty girl on Easter morning.

Now for some family photos:
We are ALL looking at the camera and smiling!!!! Huge success.

Another success!

One with Grammy :)

Grammy and her granddaughter

Heather, Bria and Grammy

Bria had fun going on an Easter egg hunt, and fortunately the weather cooperated momentarily on Saturday so it could be done outside. Normally in Oregon Easter egg hunts are held indoors due to crappy, rainy, windy, weather. So we were pretty stoked we could do it outside this year. We didn't coordinate very well in terms of eggs because we (us, Heather and Grammy) each had at least 20 eggs for Bria to find so she had to find over 60 eggs and she was still in half tantrum mode.

I decided to open up an egg and let her eat some candy, ya know, thinking it would give her an incentive to find all the eggs she could.
Yeah, I'm such an amateur because that just led to more tantrums. Every egg she picked up she wanted open right then and there.
I learned my lesson.

Since Bria didn't nap she proceeded to conk out before 8 pm and slept until almost 8:30 am, it was awesome. She woke up in a great mood and I was excited because it meant she would be in a good mood for church.

On our way to church.

They had a little Easter egg hunt at church for the kids and Bria really enjoyed it. She didn't throw a fit or try to open any eggs.
She got so excited every time she found an egg.

This little girl was so sweet and put an egg in Bria's basket just to be nice. She also happened to be dressed in this precious little purple dress and matching hat.

After the Easter egg hunt it was time for the Easter breakfast they serve at church.
Bria was such a good eater. She had scrambled eggs, ham, french toast, a muffin and some orange juice.
Then she wanted candy.

And when I didn't give it to her she got sad.
And stuck out her tiny lip.
And my heart melted so I gave her candy. I'm such a hard ass ;)

During the service Bria did really well. There were two little girls that sat behind us and were so nice to her, they gave her stickers and kept her entertained. Bria loved when we sang and liked to clap during and after the song.
Once service was over Bria became a maniac and wanted to get all her wiggles out so she RAN all over the place. I stopped chasing her because I realized it was egging her on. She liked climbing on the stairs and sitting there.

It was a great Easter and I'm thankful she did so well. I cannot believe that next Easter we'll have 2 little kids, so weird!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

You are way too smokin' hot to be pregnant! Could Bria be any more gorgeous in her dresses? She makes me want a little girl!