Friday, February 13, 2015

Those darn germs got her!

Watching Dads favorite show together: This Old House

Waiting for the bus
 So Bria seemed to hold off the cough and sniffles pretty well, very minor symptoms. However, my little 3 year old's cough turned to that barking seal cough one night and I knew the croup had gotten her. We slept very little and sat in the bathroom with the hot shower going to help drain out all the mucous.
 Fortunately it didn't last long, only one horrible night and about 5 days of symptoms and now she is nearly back to normal. Just lots of snot from her nose and the occasional cough.
Mornings were spent cuddling

Afternoons were spent cuddling...
 And poor sweet Penny has pneumonia so we haven't seen her for awhile. Hopefully next week everyone is better and we all get a break from germs!
Last weekend was Abby's last competition before State, I got to take Bria and she was in heaven watching the cheerleaders and seeing her sweet Aunt Abby!
Bria loves her Aunt Abby!

So proud of my "little" sister...yes she is taller than me, no I don't wanna talk about it :(
I have to toot Abby's horn because she is the BEST back base ever. I can tell by just watching her out there that she is doing her part and more and it thrills me to death. Also, she got elbowed in the eye before their performance and has a nice black/swollen eye. But did that stop her? Nope, she's an Armstrong all the way baby!

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