Saturday, January 24, 2015

Piling on the activities

This picture has nothing to do with this post other than to show Wreck it Reese is a real person...Off with their heads!
 I have started piling on the activities for the girls. I'm sure I'm crazy for it but I think it's so good for all of us. This time of year limits the amount of time we can be outside so we all go a little stir crazy. I thought if I had plenty of activities signed up for then we would stay sane...for the most part ;)

So, here is what we have:
Monday: Swim lessons
Wednesday: Swim lessons, Jump Rope club (after school club for Bria, SO CUTE!)

Learning the 'ropes' haha, get it? I'm hilarious. 

 Thursday: Reese-gymnastics, Bria-Zumba
And starting in February Bria will have a Science program after school on Thursdays.
So yeah, it's a lot, but it is so nice to have places to go and things to do. As much as we enjoy being home, we tend to get on each other's nerves so it's best if we stay busy part of the week.

My favorite way to do the girls' hair these days

My little gymnast!

Snacking while Bria is in Zumba

 *The room that Zumba is in doesn't have windows so I can't peak in very well :(

I've also been trying to run more since I jumped off that bandwagon awhile ago. I got discouraged with it for awhile and now that I'm eating healthy I am more motivated to run in order to FEEL good.
Reese loves it because we run to the park :)

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