Thursday, March 13, 2014

Pneumonia and ear infections slow us down a bit

I realize I need to finish the Arizona trip and also post about Bria's birthday, but due to Reese's recent illness I'm going to delay even more.
She has pneumonia and an ear infection in her left ear, the poor girl is a mess. She is coughing and wheezing and just awful. Urgent care yesterday figured out what was wrong, prescribed antibiotics and she is starting to mend.
At Urgent care
 She was just lying on me on urgent care, half asleep while they did the blood pressure cuff, took her temperature, listened to her breathing, and all that. I was in shock, she never just lays there.

She slept and slept and slept. Which was good. I think the fact that she was sitting up helped lessen the cough and reduce pain from her ear infection.
 Still coughing and stuffy but doing better. Yesterday she was so lethargic it was crazy scary. Glad she is perking up a bit this morning.
This morning, still a mess but better
Whew, one day I will catch up! Also, we're moving next week so I should probably try and catch up on that.

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