Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Working girl

I watch Penny Jo 3 days a week and my first official day was Monday. The girls and I were so excited to have her with us and a majority of the day was spent making her smile and hearing her coo.
She could totally pass as one of my babies :)

 Juggling 3 kids is definitely challenging at times, mainly nap/ quiet time. But overall it's gone really well.
 I think because it's just during the day I am able to stay calm and not get too stressed or overwhelmed. Also, she is the sweetest little thing and I LOVE cuddling her. Seriously, she is precious.
Ruffle butts are just too much
Bria has been super helpful and I appreciate it so much. Especially since Bria has recently developed a very large attitude with me lately and her and I are butting's nice to have her be helpful.
So far I'm loving my job and I look forward to our days with Penny :)

Yeah, so Bria has been challenging lately. I'm feeling super defeated and I have no idea how to deal with it. She doesn't care when I discipline her and it makes my blood boil. She doesn't listen to me anymore and it takes everything I have not to yell a majority of the day. Also, she is being super rude. She doesn't answer people when they ask her questions and when I try and talk to her about it she gets all...attitudy. Ugh. What is troubling is that she is not even 5 teenage years should be fun : /

I will just try to handle it as best I can and enjoy her when she is sweet :)
And a random adorable picture of my youngest who decided to plop on a lily pad and color.

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