Friday, February 08, 2013


I've been working with Bria on her handwriting and letters, she gets frustrated very easily (and so do I) so it's been a difficult process but we are both getting better :)

She wrote her name all by herself for the first time today!
I was jumping for joy, not only did she do it by herself, but she has better handwriting than her Dad some people. She now requests for handwriting time and I love that. We do it during Reese's nap.
Yesterday the girls were feeling a little better and I took them for a walk to the park to try and take advantage of the sun. It was still cold out but I think the girls really enjoyed their time outside, we were all going stir crazy.
Pondering life

Love her eyelashes
Silly Bria
And what is with 3 (almost 4 year olds) running around in their underwear? I thought for sure that phase would skip over Bria, but as usual I was wrong. She begs to be naked everyday and thinks it is the most fun thing ever. I mean, being naked is fun but it's cold!
I am super grateful it's Friday and we don't have plans this weekend. Hoping to get lots of cleaning done whilst relaxing...not sure how those will happen together but we'll see.


The Beavers said...

Naked dance parties...learn to embrace them :) We have lots! (the kids, not me lol)

Kendra and Nathan said...

It's interesting to see how she does the "A" in her name. I learned today from one of the med school lectures that developmentally, diagonal lines come later and so capital A's are usually written exactly how she did it! So interesting. :) So impressive she is writing her name!

Kelly said...

Her name looks great! Once Natalie got the hang of it, she just got better and better. They're pretty amazing. :)

Lulu said...

Kendra that is soooo good to hear! I was trying to teach her diagonal lines and it was near impossible, so now I at least know why!

Brandi said...

Austin still makes his A that way sometimes. After working on it he is getting better- but her reverts to the barn roof A most of the time :) Go Bria Go!!!