Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Influenza in da house

It seems both my girls got the influenza bug according to the doctor. We took them in last night at 6 pm because their fevers were so high...104.
The picture pretty much sums up how Reese was acting all day long.
Last night she slept with me and I went back and forth between cuddling her and soothing Bria. To top it off Brian has a cold.
When it rains it pours!
We had to miss a Valentine's party at Weston and Bennett's house today and I am incredibly bummed. Hoping this sickness passes quickly!


Danielle said...

My sympathies...that awful flu went through our house too. Hope everyone gets well soon!!!

Kris and MaLanie said...

My poor babies!! That is terrible. I will pray that everyone gets better soon and that you don't get sick. Loves!

Anonymous said...

Oh no!! I hope Brian and Bria and Reese feel better soon, and you don't get it!! :(
